  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Policy Tools of the UN Environment Programme Regional Sea Programmes: with Special Reference to the Mediterranean Sea and the Caribbean Sea

指導教授 : 蔡季廷


1960年代起,國際間越發重視全球環境相關議題,各國開始關注陸源排放、海上船舶漏油、海底油田開採溢漏等各式活動或意外所可能造成的海洋環境汙染,以及生物多樣性損傷之事件。為回應國際間諸多涉及海洋與環境的公約和宣言之要求與呼籲,聯合國環境規劃署將海洋污染防治,保護與保育環境和生物多樣性,以及建立海域管理機制等政策目標、合作機制與原則,納入區域海計畫此一國際建制中。故,認識區域海計畫之發展演變,一方面可在時間軸上縱向地探查國際社會在海洋環境保護上所重視之議題的發展,另一方面亦可橫向探查在區域階層中,各海區運用何種政策工具以達成海洋環境保護之目標。   為此,本論文藉由縱向研究,探討在全球階層上,聯合國環境規劃署在區域海計畫上歷來發展所關注之重大議題為何?並橫向比較在區域階層上,各海區計畫關注的重要議題為何?爾後從政策工具觀點,探討各海區針對各項海洋區域治 理重要議題所發展出之政策工具類型。最後更進一步,藉比較具代表性的地中海和大加勒比海兩個海區所採納的政策工具,而觀察出其共同及各自依地區特色所發展的政策工具。   本論文發現在全球層級的海洋環境保護議題上包括三大主題事務,分別為海洋汙染、陸源海洋汙染以及從生態系統途徑著手保護生物多樣性。而作為區域層級的海洋環境治理機制,區域海計畫所欲處理的海洋環境議題事務,其發展趨勢與全球階層的聯合國環境規劃署基本一致。   在各海區使用的政策工具方面,本研究仔細檢視十八個海區中發展出區域公約及議定書之十一個海區,綜合考量後將政策工具區分為四大類,分別為「國內權威性政策工具」、「國際合作性政策工具」、「資訊性政策工具」以及「責任與賠償性政策工具」。結合海洋環境保護三大議題觀之,在海洋汙染議題上,各海區在四大類政策工具之使用上皆有較明顯的增加,表現出在海洋汙染議題上四大類政策工具發展越來越成熟之趨勢。在生物多樣性議題方面,國內權威性政策工具和資訊性政策工具可看出一些正向的線性發展趨勢,國際合作性政策工具和責任與賠償性政策工具兩類政策工具則基本上沒有太多發展。而在陸源海洋汙染議題中,除了責任和賠償性政策工具外,其他三類政策工具亦多少呈現出正向的線性發展趨勢。   最後,比較地中海和大加勒比海海區可見,兩海區在生物多樣性議題下,皆以設立特殊保護區與保護野生生物之規範為主要政策措施,但依據各自特質,大加勒比海海區較地中海海區更側重對海洋資源的開發與利用,而地中海海區則更關注如何在各締約國之間落實共同但有區別的責任。


Since the 1960s, the international community has increasingly attached importance to issues related to the global environment, and countries have begun to pay attention to the possible pollution caused by various activities or accidents, such as land-based discharge, oil spills from vessels at sea, and spills from oil exploitation on the seabed, as well as events of biodiversity damage. In response to the requirements and appeals of many international conventions and declarations related to the oceans and the environment, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has incorporated policy objectives, cooperation mechanisms and principles for the prevention and control of marine pollution, the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity, and the establishment of marine management mechanisms into the international regime of the regional seas programme (RSP). Thus, understanding the development and evolution of the RSP could, on the one hand, longitudinally explore the development of marine environmental protection issues on which the international community has placed its emphasis on a time axis; while, on the other hand, could also horizontally explore on the regional level what kind of policy tools each regional sea is using to achieve the goals of marine environmental protection. To this end, through a longitudinal study, this thesis explores what the major issues were on the global level that the UNEP RSP had concerned with throughout its development. And, through a horizontal comparison, this thesis explores what the important issues were that each individual regional sea area had concerned with. It is followed by, from the perspective of policy tools, an exploration on the types of policy tools that were developed in various regions in response to major ocean governance issues. This thesis goes further by comparing the policy tools adopted by the representative Mediterranean Sea area and the Wider Caribbean Sea area to observe their common and respective development of policy tools based on regional characteristics. This thesis finds that on the global level there are three major subject matters in the marine environmental protection issue, namely, marine pollution, land-based marine pollution, and the protection and conservation of biodiversity with the ecosystem approach. The developmental trend of the marine environment issues that the RSP, as a regional-level marine environmental governance mechanism, intends to deal with is basically the same as that of the UNEP on the global level. On the aspect of the policy tools employed by the various sea areas, this thesis pored over 11 out of the 18 sea areas that had developed their regional conventions and protocols. After a comprehensive consideration, the policy tools were divided into four categories, namely, “Domestic Authoritative Policy Tools,” “International Cooperative Policy Tools,” “Information Policy Tools,” and “Liability and Compensation Policy Tools.” By linking them to the three major subject matters of the marine environment protection, it is found that the use of all four major types of policy tools in all sea areas has increased significantly in terms of marine pollution issues, suggesting that the development of the four major types of policy tools in marine pollution issues is becoming maturer. In terms of biodiversity issues, domestic authoritative policy tools and information policy tools show some positive linear developmental trends while little development on the international cooperation policy tools and liability and compensation policy tools. On the issue of land-based ocean pollution, other than the liability and compensation policy tools the other three types of policy tools show a positive linear developmental trend. Finally, by comparing the Mediterranean Sea and the Greater Caribbean Sea, it is found that, under the biodiversity issue, the main policy measures of these two sea areas are the establishment of special protected areas and the protection of wildlife; however, according to their respective characteristics, the Wider Caribbean Sea area focuses more on the development and utilization of marine resources than the Mediterranean Sea area does, while the Mediterranean Sea concerns more with the implementation of “common but differentiated responsibilities” principle among its Contracting Parties.


