  • 學位論文


Health Impact Assessment of Urban Public Bicycle System: A Case Study of Taipei Youbike

指導教授 : 張學孔


為了因應氣候變遷、全球暖化等環境社會議題與挑戰,世界各國提出許多永續運輸發展方案,希望能達到節能與低碳交通的目標。其中公共自行車系統為許多國家追求永續發展、降低空氣汙染及碳排放目標的重要政策,如何系統化客觀衡量使用自行車所產生之具體效益,乃是發展公共自行車系統與打造自行車友善環境之重要議題。 本研究主要目的係建立適合我國都市之公共自行車健康影響評估模型,並應用分析台北市公共自行車之健康效益。研究中首先分析自行車騎乘行為所獲得的健康效益與潛在風險,包括:經常性身體活動所獲得之健康效益、暴露於空氣汙染中之健康風險、自行車使用量以及自行車環境友善度對事故風險的影響。接著利用全因死亡率與肇事受傷率相對風險作為評估指標,建立都市公共自行車健康影響評估模型,並針對其中所需資料進行蒐集以及參數設定。最後針對台北市公共自行車Youbike使用現況進行健康影響評估,以了解其具體的健康經濟效益。 本研究個案分析設定2016年9月到2017年8月經常使用Youbike的族群為目標,分析結果發現使用者從其原先運具轉移至使用公共自行車會使得事故受傷人數略增,然而身體活動所帶來的健康效益遠大於交通事故以及吸入過多PM2.5所帶來的危害,整體結果顯示可獲得每年1.16億新台幣的總健康經濟效益。研究結果亦具體顯示,若希望公共自行車系統能夠獲得更大的健康經濟效益,應提升經常使用者的騎乘程度以及使用人數,此外也應透過如設置自行車道與完整路網等措施來提升自行車環境的友善程度並降低自行車的肇事風險。 本研究成果可具體佐證政府投入公共自行車與騎乘友善環境之合理性,所建模型與分析方法亦可應用在其他城市,作為規劃推動公共自行車系統之參考。


In responding to environmental and social challenges of climate change and global warming, countries around the world have proposed many sustainable development programs in the hope of achieving the goal of sustainable transportation and low carbon mobility. Public bike system is an important implementation for countries to pursue sustainable development and reduce air pollution and carbon emissions. How to measure the benefits derived from riding bikes is one of crucial tasks in development of public bike systems and cycling friendly environment. This study aims to establish an assessment model of health impact for urban public bike by reviewing the health benefits and potential risks of cyclists on their riding activities. These benefits and risks include health benefits from regular physical activities, health risks from exposure to air pollution and the influence of road safety risks caused by the number of cyclists and cycling environment. The study used relative risk of all caused mortality and traffic accidental injury rate as indicators in the model. With the assessment model, the study collected the required data and calibriated model parameters’ values from Taipei City and Youbike system, which is the public bike system in Taipei. The study used the rental data of Youbike to assess the health economic benefit of those who regularly used the public bike system in Taipei. The results show that although the number of traffic accidental injury increases as user change their modes from their original modes to public bike system, the health benefits from regular physical activities is far more than the risks from the increasing of the number of injury and exposure to air pollution. The results of case study have shown that health benefit for these regular cyclists is 116 million NT dollars (USD3.87 mi) per year. To achieve greater health economic benefits, it is suggested that we should increase the number of regular cyclists of the public bike system and their intensity. In addition, it is necessary to reduce road safety risk by enhancing the cycling friendly environment and increasing more exclusive bike tracks and network. The developed model can be applied to other cities for evaluation of health benefits of public bike system.


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