  • 學位論文


Optimization of Location and Quantity of Public Bike Rental Stations-- A Case Study of Douliu City

指導教授 : 張學孔


為了推廣低碳永續環境,積極推動公共運輸,優化公路客運系統、增設市區公車路線、推廣彈性及多元化的運輸服務,已是各國積極發展綠色交通之政策方向。除此之外,慢行交通(自行車與步行)已被認為是可以解決公共運輸的「最後一哩路」問題,提供旅運者及門的服務。因此,提供完善的公共自行車服務與友善自行車環境,成為完善公共運輸服務不可或缺的一環。此外,對於中小城市以自行車作為通勤通學的交通工具,連結城際鐵公路場站與重要公共設施及住宅區,也是重要的綠色低碳交通政策。 全球共已有超過一千七百個城市擁有公共自行車系統,公共自行車之設置規模也逐年成長,公共自行車的規劃也逐漸獲得重視。其中,公共自行車的站點區位設置及數量為公共自行車系統規劃重要之一環。本研究目的在以改良型全覆蓋模式為基礎建立最佳化方法,求解公共自行車系統最少數量站點可覆蓋旅次發生之全部區位並確保包含較高潛在需求的區位。研究並將此改良型的全覆蓋模型應用至雲林縣斗六市,進行實證分析以驗證模式的實用性與相對效益。 本研究回顧了全球公共自行車的發展、技術演進及公共自行車之設站準則與條件,歸列出公共自行車站點候選區位之準則,包含公共服務場所與公園、文教機構、商圈市場與觀光景點以及集合住宅區等公共及生活機能設施,並以此準則對於實證應用之斗六市進行潛在站點區位之選取,進而應用最佳化模式規劃出符合民眾使用需求的公共自行車系統服務站點。同時,基於問卷調查之自行車使用者騎乘之目的類別,利用數值分析排序,作為斗六市公共自行車租賃站點建置順序的決策依據。實證研究結果顯示,斗六市公共自行車系統38個站點區位及其重要度排序,可以作為斗六公共自行車站點規劃的參考。此外,本研究考量分期分年建置公共自行車系統之實務需要,提出以加權旅次強度總和作為評估站點重要度、決定排序與優先建置之站點群組。本研究建立之優化模式與排序方法,除了驗證適用於斗六市,亦能協助其他城市規劃建置公共自行車系統。


In order to achieve low-carbon sustainable environment, public transportation has become important part of green transportation policies while active mobility is considered as the “last mile” and “first mile” for public transportation systems. Therefore, a successful public bike system and a cycling friendly environment are crucial for a comprehensive public transportation system. For small and medium-sized cities, enhancement of bike to work and bike to school is simply a green and low carbon transportation policy while bike can be an appropriate feeder system for intercity railway and bus stations connecting with various public facilities as well as residential areas. At present time, more than 1,700 cities have developed public bike systems around the world. Development of public bikes has also been growing year by year while planning of public bike system is an importance policy for many cities around the world. One critical part of the public bike planning is the decision of location and number of rental stations. This study aims to develop method for determining locations and quantities of public bike stations. The basic model of set covering problem is applied for the model while locations with higher demand potentials are included in the objective function. This modified set covering model has applied for a case study in Douliu City, Yunlin County to verify the applicability and benefit of the model. This study reviews the development of global public bikes, its technological evolution, as well as guidelines for a public bike system. Principles for selecting potential locations of rental stations are proposed based on the local and international guidelines. These potential locations are classified as public service facilities and parks, cultural and educational institutes, business district markets and tourist attractions, and residential areas. The principles are used to identify the potential locations in Douliu City. Then, the modified location set covering model is applied for solving and obtaining the optimal locations for 38 public bike rental stations which meet the needs of the residents of Douliu City. In addition to the optimal quantities and locations, this study has also considered the practical needs for staging implementation. Therefore, this study proposed a method for prioritizing the importance of each station and grouping the stations for development in different stages based on the purpose of bike users. The developed model and prioritization approach can be used as a reference for the planning of the Douliu public bike rental stations. It can also be used for other cities in planning and design of their public bike systems.


1. 丁亞中、謝孟宏(2009),台北市百貨公司地理資訊系統自動化選址之研究,中華民國地圖學會會刊,第19卷,頁71-95。
2. 王非、徐渝(2006),物流配送中心選址研究,物流技術,第 6卷,頁35-37。
3. 台北市政府交通局(2016),台北市政府公共自行車租賃站設置準則。
4. 台北市政府交通局(2016),105年公共自行車租賃站設置準則訂彈性作業方式。
5. 全國土地分區資料查詢系統(2018),2018年5月10日,網址: http://luz.tcd.gov.tw/WEB/。
