  • 學位論文


Gaining Channel Support in Supplier-Distributor Relationship: A Relational Capital Perspective

指導教授 : 林俊昇


供應商通路支持,對合作關係中的配銷商而言具有至關重要的影響。然而,過去研究主要多聚焦於討論供應商如何透過通路支持激勵配銷商,藉以達成其配銷目標,甚少探討配銷商應如何主動爭取並獲得供應商的通路支持。故本研究旨在建構一觀念性架構,以關係資本觀點出發,討論配銷商如何透過展現整體營運能力與整合協調能力,增進雙方關係資本,進而促使供應商採取實際通路支持行為。 本論文以供應商企業之業務人員為受測對象,進行電子問卷調查,以簡單隨機抽樣法回收有效問卷共216份,並採用結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling)進行統計分析與假說驗證。研究結果顯示,配銷商整體營運能力與整合協調能力,均與關係資本具有正向的關係,而關係資本亦會正向影響供應商的通路支持。本研究填補了過去鮮少以關係資本探討供應商通路支持議題的研究缺口,並為配銷商如何獲得供應商的通路支持,提供學術與管理上的意涵。


Suppliers’ channel support plays an important role for distributors in supplier-distributor relationships. However, extant literature on channel support has mainly emphasized its role to motivate distributors for suppliers. Limited research has investigated how distributors can win channel support from suppliers. Therefore, this study attempts to fill this research gap and examine the issue based on a relational capital perspective. A theoretical framework was established to explore the effects of distributor’s overall competence and coordination capability on relational capital, which in turn, affects supplier’s channel support. Survey data of 216 evaluations of supplier-distributor relationships was collected from salespeople of an equipment supplier firm. The data was then examined through structural equation modeling (SEM). Results show that distributor’s overall competence and coordination capability have positive effects on relational capital, which influences supplier’s channel support. Implications, limitations and future research directions are then discussed.


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