  • 學位論文


How the Peasantry Became a Revolutionary Class? Research on Coevolutionary Courses of the Peasantization of Marxist Revolution Theory During the Russian and Chinese Revolutions

指導教授 : 童涵浦


針對 19 世紀先進工業國政治現實的馬克思主義革命理論,為什麼於 20 世紀 先後在俄國和中國兩個落後的農業國指導革命實踐獲得成功?具體而言,農民怎 樣從馬克思筆下「非階級化的階級」、共產主義革命的阻礙力量,演變成了列寧 筆下無產階級民主專政的同盟軍、毛澤東筆下共產主義革命中「一支天然的革命 力量」? 本文藉助最新發展的計算機深度學習神經網絡文本分析情感分類技術,研究 從馬克思到列寧最終到毛澤東的共產主義意識形態下革命理論的「農民化 (peasantization)」過程。從「農民階級在革命中的角色」的視角,本文考察以 列寧為代表的俄國布爾什維克和以毛澤東為代表的中國共產黨,針對各自國家無 產階級工人缺乏、農民人口眾多的現實,如何對產生於19世紀中葉的經典馬克思 主義革命理論進行繼承、改造和發展,以期使革命理論符合各自革命現實的革命 需求。同時對兩國的共產主義革命中經典馬克思主義革命理論的在地化 (localization)過程以及理論與實踐的共同演化過程進行比較分析。 研究發現在革命的各個階段和面臨各種革命實踐政治情勢時,列寧更多地從 實用主義和機會主義的角度理解、利用農民階級在共產主義革命中的革命性,常 常將農民看做是無產階級的同盟軍;而毛澤東相較之下往往從馬克思主義理論本 身出發,試圖從根本上改進馬克思主義中農民階級革命性的定位,將農民看做是 落後農業國開展無產階級革命的原動力。但二者相對於正統馬克思主義革命理論 來說,都不同程度地強調了農民階級的革命性。由此,在馬克思—列寧—毛澤東 這一共產革命理論譜系中,農民階級被賦予的革命性呈現不斷上升的軌跡。


Why did Marxism, as a revolutionary theory based on political realities of advanced industrial societies, successfully directed the political struggles in the name of the communist revolution in 20th-century Russia and China? Specifically, how the peasantry as a social class, portrayed as a negative factor in the communist revolution by Marx, gradually evolved into the alliance with the proletariat from Lenin’s description and the natural revolutionary power from Mao’s description? This thesis using the latest computer-assisted text sentiment classification analysis based on deep learning neural network, examines the peasantization processes of communist revolutionary theories from Marxism to Maoism. From the perspective of the peasantry’s role in the revolution, the study analyzes the processes that Lenin as the leader of the Bolshevik and Mao as the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, inheriting、reforming and developing Orthodox Marxism in order to meet their own revolutionary needs. Meanwhile, the study compares the processes of localization of Marxism and the coevolutionary processes between the revolutionary theories and the political realities occurring in the two countries during the communist revolutions. The study finds that during different revolutionary stages or confronted with different political realities, Lenin was inclined to opportunistically use the role of the peasantry, while Mao relatively strived to revise the peasantry’s revolutionary position as a whole social class in Marxist revolutionary theory and portrayed the peasantry as a tremendous revolutionary momentum in backward non-industrial countries. However, these two revolution theorists both emphasized the revolutionary role of the peasantry.


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