  • 學位論文


Effect of Water Hyacinth Extract on the Immunity in Giant Freshwater Prawn, Machrobrachium rosenbergii under Hypothermal Stress

指導教授 : 鄭文騰 鄭達智


淡水長臂大蝦為臺灣水產養殖業之中要養殖甲殼類。過去幾年間,商業化蝦類養殖場受到冬季之乳酸菌及夏季之細菌感染衝擊,使本產業遭受嚴重損失。本研究之目的為評估飼料添加布袋蓮萃取物對處於低溫狀態下之淡水長臂大蝦免疫能力之影響。試驗以布袋蓮萃取物添加濃度0和 3 g (kg diet)-1進行。在水溫28⁰C下餵飼14天後,將淡水長臂大蝦移置水溫20°C下 4天後檢測總血球數、酚氧化酵素活性、呼吸爆(超氧離子含量)及超氧歧化酵素活性。結果顯示,餵飼含0 g (kg diet)-1布袋蓮萃取物之淡水長臂大蝦在水溫20⁰C下,其總血球數於第12、 48及96小時;酚氧化酵素活性於第96小時;超氧歧化酵素活性於第24小時皆顯著低於控制組(28⁰C)。由此可知餵飼0 g (kg diet)-1布袋蓮萃取物之淡水長臂大蝦於低溫緊迫(28⁰C至20⁰C)時其免疫能力下降。然而,餵飼3 g (kg diet)-1布袋蓮萃取物之淡水長臂大蝦於低溫緊迫時,其總血球數、酚氧化酵素活性、呼吸爆及超氧歧化酵素活性並無顯著差異。因此,飼料添加3 g (kg diet)-1布袋蓮萃取物可有效增強在低溫緊迫下淡水長臂大蝦之免疫能力。


The giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, is the most important aquaculture species of decapod crustaceans used for freshwater culture in Taiwan. During the past few years, commercial prawn farming has been severely adversely impacted by epidemics associated with yeast in the cool season and bacteria in the hot season, which have caused serious economic losses. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the immune ability of M. rosenbergii in low temperature condition by using hot water extract of water hyacinth Eicchornia crassipes. Two experiment diets, including a control diet (without extract of E. crassipes) and 3 g (kg diet)-1 of hot water extract of E. crassipes were carried out. After 14 days of culture at 28⁰C, THC, phenoloxidase activity (PO), respiratory bursts (release of superoxide anions), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were measured when the prawns were transferred to 20⁰C for 96 hours. The results showed that THC of prawn fed with control diet were decreased significantly at 12, 48, 96 hours, PO activity of prawn fed with control diet were decreased significantly at 96 hour, SOD activity of prawn fed with control diet decrease significantly at 24 hour. These proved that immune ability of M. rosenbergii fed with control diet were decrease when shocking temperature from 28⁰C to 20⁰C. However, no significant difference were observed of THC, PO, SOD activity, and respiratory bursts of M. rosenbergii fed with diet containing E. crassipes extracts at 3 g kg-1 when transfer from 28⁰C to 20⁰C. It was therefore concluded that extract of water hyacinth E. crassipes showed good effect on enhancing immunity parameters of M. rosenbergii under hypothermal stress.


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6. References
Adams, A. 1991. Response of Penaeid Shrimp to Exposure to Vibrio species. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 1:59-70.
