  • 期刊


A Study on the Implications of the Report of the Committee of Ten in High School Curriculum Reform History


在美國中等學校的課程改革史中,全國教育協會於1893 年公布的《十人委員會報告》具有重要的歷史意義,其除意謂國家力量對高中課程的介入,強化高中課程的標準化,同時也促成後續各種課程改革與研究的發展。因此,本文乃以該報告書作為研究對象,首先解析《十人委員會報告》制定的歷史脈絡及重要內涵,其次,探討《十人委員會報告》的歷史意義,並針對相關議題進行分析,包括學校課程回應社會變遷的方式、政策文本背後的價值信念和可能的爭議,以及在特定歷史脈絡中課程知識形成的運作機制。期望透過本研究的進行,對《十人委員會報告》有深入與寬廣的理解,進而累積課程史研究的成果,同時從該報告的發展歷程及相關議題的分析結果,提供臺灣推動高中課程改革的參考。


Throughout the history of secondary school curriculum reform in USA, the Report of the Committee of Ten issued by the National Education Association in 1893 bears great significance. It not only stood for the intervention of state power in high school curriculum and an emphasis on the standardization of high school curriculum, but also has triggered the development of all kinds of curriculum reforms and studies that followed. The purpose of this study is to explore the Report as a whole. Firstly, it analyzes the historical context and important implications of the Report. Secondly, it discusses its historical meaning by analyzing relevant issues including the way in which the school curriculum has responded to social changes, the values, beliefs and possible limitations in the context of policies, and how curriculum knowledge has taken its shape in specific historical contexts. This study expects to enhance a deeper and more thorough understanding of the Report, and hope to add more to the curriculum history research. By making some reflections on the Report and its relevant reform projects in USA since then, this study also expects to provide suggestions for reforms currently being conducted for high school curriculum in Taiwan.


周婉窈譯、Block, M.(1989)。史家的技藝。臺北市:遠流。
