  • 期刊


Community Development Associations, Electoral Mobilization and Local Politics


歷經三十餘年的台灣社區發展,在政府的政策指導、行政支援與補助及社區居民熱心參與,對提升基層社會生活環境與品質的目標,已獲得不錯的成效,而「社區發展協會」即是基層推動社區發展工作最重要的單位。但在台灣地方政治生態上,由於大多數社區的地理範圍幾乎與村里重疊,在近年來政治快速變遷下,各政黨、派系因選舉動員而競爭激烈,「社區組織」亦漸漸成為政治人物所關注、介入的目標,這也使得社區發展協會亦漸漸扮演部分的政治角色。正因為如此,社區發展協會之角色、功能產生了相當程度的扭曲。尤其在各項基層選舉上,社區隱然成為政黨或地方政治人物選舉動員的重要對象。另一方面,社區發展協會理事長在許多層面,也常出現與村里長相互抗衡的局面,儼然成為地方上兩個不同的派系動員網絡,對基層的政經資源整合與利用,造成若干負面的影響。 國內學術界過去對於社區發展的相關研究,主要集中於社會工作或公共行政領域,對於探討社區發展協會與地方政治間關係的研究卻是十分罕見。本文透過深度訪談的方式,分別從成立背景、經費分配、選舉動員等方面,探索政治人物為了透過社區發展協會以達到選舉動員之效果,進而形塑的新地方政治風貌;並整理歸納出社區發展協會理事長與村里長之間存在著四種不同的互動模式;最後對於傳統地方派系理論做出更新的詮釋。


The community development association is the basic unit of community development work. For the past three decades, the fundamental social policies of community development have been to promote welfare at the grassroots level, to enhance the quality of life of the local residents, and to improve local public infrastructure. However, the geographic territory of these community development associations often overlaps with that of the village, the basic unit of the administrative district. The conflicts that arise in resource allocation and power struggles between the community development associations and villages are commonplace in local politics. It is thus no surprise that the community development association, as a grassroots social network, inevitably takes on a political role. Little effort has been put into the study of community development associations from a political science point of view, while there has been a tremendous amount of research on community development associations by scholars of social work. As a pioneering study, this paper seeks to explore the role of the community development association in local politics and to investigate the interactions between the community development associations and local factions. The result of this study indicates that there are four different patterns of interaction between the community development associations and villages, and that, in the current ecology of local politics, local politicians have strong incentives to intervene in the operations of the community development associations.


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