  • 期刊


An Alternative Methodology for STS


本文發展一個另類的STS方法論,稱為「策略基礎的方法論」(strategy-based methodology),它主張STS研究應該因應不同的目標和情境,使用不同的研究策略,才能適當地處理科學、科技、與社會多樣而複雜的關係。本文特別著重在「爭議」這個課題。這種方法論之所以必要,理由在於「科學」、「科技」與「社會」這幾個關鍵詞,都代表巨大的範疇,也因此形成了「科學爭議」、「科技爭議」、「科學的社會爭議」和「科技的社會爭議」這些不同的樣態,本文指出源自「科學知識的社會學」的方法學原則無法配合這多樣爭議,進而論證區分科學與科技的內部和外部的必要性,並檢視「對稱原則」的問題。最後基於上述討論,提出幾個具體的策略和應用條件,建議一個針對「科技的社會爭議」提出倫理評價的方法論綱要。


This paper aims to develop an alternative methodology for science and technology studies, called a "strategy-based methodology." STS research should respond to different goals and situations by using different strategies for exploring the diverse and complex interactions between sciences, technologies and societies. This paper focuses on the topic of "controversies." The main reason for developing this methodology is that controversies across "science," "technology," and "society" present plural and complex modes. We should distinguish among scientific controversy, technological controversy and social controversy of science and technology, using different methodological strategies for different modes. However, the traditional methodological principles stemming from sociology of scientific knowledge fail to match the diversity of controversy modes. Examining the problem of the symmetry principle, I defend the necessity of a boundary between the internal and the external of science and technology. Following this line of reasoning, I suggest a number of research strategies and their conditions of application, proposing a methodological scheme of ethical evaluation based on the social controversy of a particular technology.


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