  • 期刊

The Effects of Uncertainty on Attention in Table-Tennis Players and Nonathletes



CNV是一種根據大腦電位變測量注意力的一種測舉指標,與一般需要意識覺察的自陳式方法不同的是,以大流變化來測量注意力具有可以揭開代表優秀運動員優異技能表現時,那幾乎不自覺的心理歷程的優點,因此本研究目的主要是藉由腦波訊號中的CNV(Contingent negative variation)來探討:(1)不確定性高低對反應前注意力的影響;(2)運動員與非運動員在面對不確定情境時,注意力表現的差異。實驗參與者是二十二位我國優秀桌球選手與二十位無規律運動習慣的大專學生。腦波儀器設置是以國際10-20系統30個單極誘導腦波電極以及一組雙極誘導眼電加上一組雙極誘導肌電極紀錄各生理訊號。本研究採取反應訊號(S2)前200ms為CNV的樣本,所有CNV資料都經過去除偽訊,並以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計處理。結果發現,(1)兩種情境比較下,不確定性高的情境中CNV的振幅會比不確定至的情境還高。由於CNV振富與注意力及警覺性有正相關之關係,這表示不管是運動員或非運動員在臨較高不確定的情境時,都會設入較多的注意力及提高警覺性。(2)在比較運動員與非運動員面對不確定情境時,非運動員的CNV振富比較動員還高。這說明非運動員比運動員投注更多的注意力。由於本研究屬於橫斷式研究,在此所發現運動員與非運動員在注意力上有差異並無法提供造成此差的原因。但是有一種可性是運動員在競技場上時常面對許多不確定的變數及突發狀況,因而提高運動員在面對不確定情境的適應能力。再者,由於參與本研究之運動員皆為技能水準相當高的選手,就技能表現自動化(automaticity)來說,技能熟練程度越高則所需要的注意力越少。這可解釋為何面對不確定情境時,運動員的注意力(i.e. CNV振幅)會比非運動員低。總結來說,不管是運動員或非運動員在面臨較高不確定性的情境時,注意力都會隨著提高;但是整體來說,運動員在這些不確定性的情境下所需耗費的注意力資源較少。


不確定性 注意力 CNV 桌球


Contingent-negative variation (CNV) is one class of measurement for attention, which is based on brain electrical activity. Unlike self-reported approaches that require conscious awareness, measurement of attention through this approach has the advantage of unveiling processes that typify skilled performance of elite athletes who are usually unaware of them. Thus, this study utilizes CNV to examine: (a) the effect of uncertainty on attention, and (b) differences between open-skilled athletes and nonathletes in attention under uncertain conditions. Twenty-two pre-elite tale-tennis players and 20 counterparts participated in this study. EEG activity was obtained with monopolar recordings using electrode caps at 30 electrode sites, referenced to linked earlobes. EOG activity was assessed with bipolar recording of two electrodes placed at the outer canthus ad supraorbitally to the dominant eye. Response-hand EMG was recorded with bipolarly arranged electrodes placed below both elbows. CNV was sampled at 500Hz with a 200 ms baseline before imperative stimuli. EEG data were cleaned for artifacts and averaged offline. Only CNV data were reported here. The results showed that firstly, CNV amplitude was higher in the high-uncertainty condition than low one. This finding indicated that regardless of athletic experience, attention or alertness for both groups was heightened in response to higher uncertainty conditions. Secondly, CNV amplitude of nonathletes was higher than athletes. This finding may indicate that nonathletes allocated more cortical resource than athletes in uncertainty conditions. Lower athletes attention may result from training-related adaptation. There is much uncertainty and unpredictability in open-skilled sports. Hence, athletes were used to uncertain environments. Moreover, study athletes were highly skilled table-tennis players whose skill level very likely has reached the automatic stage. According to the automatic-processing hypothesis, the more proficiency of skill ability, the less attention will be needed when performing tasks. In conclusion, higher attention was elicited when higher uncertainty was expected. Athletes reacted to uncertainty with lower attention when compared with nonathletes.


Uncertainty Attention CNV Table Tennis


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