  • 期刊


The Application of Deferred Prosecution in Corporate Criminal Wrongdoing




In the modern society, corporates can expand their commercial activities faster and have more freedom than before. Besides, the vast scale of corporates can not only make the influence on current society but also accompanied by side effect in Corporate Criminal Wrongdoing. Therefore, it makes Corporate Criminal Wrongdoing a important research topics in criminal law. In the face of the corporate crime having the nature secrecy and highly specialized division of labour, the principals are usually hiding behind the scenes so that we have to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut to find them, making it easier for prosecutors to investigate. This paper point that prosecutors can use Deferred Prosecution Contract to reach the goal of avioding the death penalty, saving litigation costs, achieving the same outcome as a conviction without the cost of a trial, bringing about corporate governance reform and encouraging companies to disclose. But Deferred Prosecution in Taiwan has been limited in the scope of "committed an offense other than those punishable with the death penalty, life imprisonment, or with a minimum punishment of imprisonment for not less than three years". This paper suggests that we can delete the limition of Deferred Prosecution, meaning that all of criminal cases can be deferred, using the Article 253-2 effectively. Since, Deferred Prosecution agreement is made by the corporate and prosecutor, the corporate must agree with the agreement.


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