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Evaluation of Marine Sports Development Strategy




Purposes: The purposes of this study are to determine the crucial strategic factors and indexes of marine sports development and to evaluate the weights of these factors. The proper strategies can be implemented and provided to the relevant authorities as a management reference. Methods: A questionnaire is conducted to ascertain the opinions of experts in the field, and the related strategic factors are identified from the contents. The fuzzy Delphi method and analytic network process are employed to measure the crucial strategic factors and their weights and to determine the fittest developmental strategy. Results: After factor selection, 5 varieties and 20 crucial strategic indexes are obtained. Environment and ecology, education and culture, and execution and control are the varieties with the highest weights. Environmental conservation, marine sport skills education, water recreational education, enhancement of sea area management for safety, well-established transportation, an environmental development plan, law amendment, integration of resources for effective application, facility construction, and pragmatic research on water areas are discovered to be the 10 strategic indexes with the highest weights. These findings indicate that the development of marine sports should address the concept of sustainability with respect to the environment and ecological resources, place emphasis on cultural sports that enhance water-related skills education, familiarize people with water recreation, and manage sea areas to ensure personal safety. Conclusion: To develop marine sports, the government, personnel of establishments, industry managers, marine recreation businesses, and researchers should consider the crucial varieties and strategic indexes obtained in this study and correspondingly determine their priorities to promote marine sports efficiently.


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