  • 期刊


Learning Efficiencies for Roman Scripts and Han Characters: In Terms of Dictation and Oral Reading Tests


长期以来討論羅馬字hām漢字ê學習效率ê文獻多數停留tī理論ê分析,真罕leh有科學實驗ê數字證據。雖罔蔣爲文(Chiung 2003)bat tī伊ê博士論文lìn根據803人参舆實驗ê結果提出数字證據。可惜参舆tsit-ê實驗ê受测者封象有限。所pái,本研究è目的是tī蒋爲文ê先行研究基礎,加上khah tsē對象参舆測驗,thang進一步了解羅馬字kap漢字tī聽寫kap唸讀tsit 2方面ê學習效率。 Tī蔣爲文(Chiung 2003)tsìn前ê聽寫測驗,kan-tann有國小kap大學生参與受测,本研究新增加前锋國中學生105人kap高中職學生(台南一中、台南女中、亚洲高職)210人。Tī蔣爲文(Chiung 2003)ê唸讀測驗kan-tann有越南學生参舆测試,本研究新增加台灣ê後經國小學生187人kap成大學生30人。本論文ê究方法完全依照蔣爲文(Chiung 2003)ê實驗設計,kan-tann針對受测對象作補充。 研究結果顯示羅馬字比漢字khah優勢ê所在上主要是tī聽寫方面,其次tsiah是唸讀方面。Tī唸讀方面,羅馬字粗ê學生大約到國小五年,漢字粗ài到高中ê階段tsiah有法度tī統計上達到大學生ê唸讀水準。Tī唸讀方面,羅馬字粗ê學生大約到國小二年,漢字粗ài到國小三年è階段tsiah有法度tī統計上達到大學生ê唸讀水準。本研究再度證明tī聽寫kap唸讀方面,羅馬字比漢字khah簡單學。


羅馬字 漢字 學習效率 聽寫 唸讀


Many arguments on learning efficiencies for Roman scripts and Han characters were ideologically arose, rather than based on a scientific study. Although Chiung (2003) had done a scientific study in learning efficiencies based on experiments with a total of 803 subjects, the amount was limited. The purpose of this study is to feature out the leaning efficiencies of Han characters based on Chiung's previous study and methodology. A total of 105 junior nigh school students and 210 senior high school students were added in dictation tests. A total of 187 elementary school students and 30 collegians were added in oral reading tests. The results reveal that Roman scripts are superior to Han characters firstly in dictation tests and secondly in oral reading tests. In dictation tests, the subjects in Roman scripts group significantly increased their score each year until the fifth grade, by which time they had the same statistical score as college students. As for subjects in Han characters group, subjects did not statistically reach the same level as college students until they were a round at tenth grade. In oral reading tests, the second grade students in Roman scripts group and third grade students in Han characters significantly reached the statistical score as collegians.


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