  • 期刊

A syntactic study of hoán-tò-tńg-(lâi) 'contrarily' and tian-tò 'contrarily' in Taiwanese



In Tâi-ôan Bân-lâm-gí Siông-iōng-sû Sû-tián 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭 典 'Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan', hoán-tò-tńg-(lâi) 反倒 轉(來) 'contrarily' and tian-tò 顛倒 'contrarily' are near-synonyms, for both are equivalents of fǎn'ér 反而 'contrarily' in Mandarin Chinese. Although the dictionary provides the sense of hoán-tò-tńg-(lâi) 反倒轉(來) 'contrarily' and tian-tò 顛倒 'contrarily' for us, we wonder what their syntactic forms are. Besides, we would like to investigate the reason why tian-tò 顛倒 'conversely' in the Taiwanese proverb, Phah-tng chhiú-kut tian-tò ióng 拍斷手骨顛倒勇 'The arm was broken; contrarily, the arm will become stronger when it heals.' is replaced by hoán-tò-tńg-(lâi) 反倒轉來 'conversely', and then, this proverb becomes strange. In order to have a better understanding of the two adverbs in Taiwanese, we aim to compare and contrast them from the perspective of syntactic features in the paper. We mainly focus on analyzing written data of the two adverbs. One of the syntactic similarities between hoán-tò-tńg-(lâi) 反倒轉(來) 'contrarily' and tiantò 顛倒 'contrarily' is that they occupy the complementizer layer. Other similar syntactic features are presented in Section 3. The syntactic differences between them are illustrated in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper.




轉折副詞 反倒轉(來) 顛倒 台語


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