  • 期刊


Two-dimensional Layered Double Hydroxides as the Catalysts for Photocatalytic and Electrocatalytic Water Splitting


永續能源議題一直以來皆是全世界所關注的重要議題,擁有高能量密度與零排放汙染的氫能是備受矚目的綠色能源;在眾多的製備氫氣方法中,藉由轉化太陽能來驅動水分解反應的光催化水分解反應,以及利用電能來驅動水分解反應的電催化水分解反應逐漸受到重視。近年來,在眾多二維材料(2D Materials)中,兼具半導體特性與電催化活性的二維層狀複金屬氫氧化物(Layered double hydroxides, LDHs),成為少數能同時應用於光催化與電催化反應上的材料而開始受到重視,其獨特的材料特性與彈性的材料選擇性,使層狀複金屬氫氧化物成為實現氫能普及的關鍵之一。本文將簡述二維層狀複金屬氫氧化物特性、優點、製備方式並進一步探討其材料應用於光催化與電催化水分解反應上的發展。


Since the energy crisis and global warming, the development of sustainable energy is very essential to the sustainability of our planet. In the several kinds of renewable energies, hydrogen with highly energy density and zero-emission is one of the promising candidates to solve the problems of traditional fossil fuels. To realize the idea of hydrogen economics, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic water splitting becomes a popular research topic for producing hydrogen since the reactant in both reactions is the most common liquid, namely water, on this planet. Recently, two-dimensional layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are chosen as the materials for utilizing in these two fields due to their appropriate band gaps and excellent catalytic activity. Comparing to other two-dimensional materials, the chemical and physical properties of LDHs can be easily controlled by its unique advantages: tunability of metal ions and anion-exchange for further utilizing in the reactions of photocatalytic and electrocatalytic water splitting. In this report, we aim to briefly summarize the advantages of LDHs and related synthesized processes for controlling their intrinsic properties. The progress of material designs for photocatalytic and electrocatalytic water splitting in the part of cathode and anode are also discussed in this report.
