  • 期刊


The Detection and Identification of the Poinsettia branch-inducing Phytoplasma from Various Poinsettia Cultivars in Taiwan


聖誕紅(Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.)屬大戟科之花卉作物,為臺灣最大宗之盆花,亦是世界上銷售量第一之花卉作物。聖誕紅分枝誘導性植物菌質體(poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma)可誘導聖誕紅產生良好分枝性,其分類地位歸屬於X-disease group (16SrⅢ)之16SrⅢ-H亞群。本研究利用廣用型PCR引子對f1/r1檢測隨機採樣之國外進口聖誕紅幼苗及國內園藝苗圃生產之聖誕紅種苗包括彼得之星、聖誕玫瑰、紅絲絨、雙色倍利、紅色倍利、白色倍利、天鵝絨、威望、光輝、檸檬雪、莫內、高檔等品系,發現其內均帶有植物菌質體。另利用P1/P7引子對或Pof/Por引子對由各檢體中增幅出16S rDNA,16S-23S rDNA spacer及部分之235S rDNA序列並加以選殖、定序及比對,該等DNA序列與GenBank中登錄之聖誕紅分枝誘導性植物菌質體序列(AF190223)相同度均高達99%,顯示各檢測之聖誕紅品系中均存在有聖誕紅分枝誘導性植物菌質體。


The poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd., is one of the best selling floricultural crops worldwide. The free-branching morphotype of poinsettia can be induced by poinsettia branch- inducing phytoplasma which is classified phylogenetically in subgroup 16SrⅢ-H of the X-disease group (16SrⅢ). The interactions between the phytoplasma and poinsettia result in dwarfing and moderate branching growth habit, which happens to be a desirable trait for poinsettia growers. This study examined the samples of imported and local poinsettia seedlings for the existence of phytoplasma by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method using the primer pair f1/r1. The PCR products of about 650 bp in size were amplified from all of the fourteen different poinsettia cultivars that were collected from various farms or imported from different countries, indicating that all of the samples tested were affected by phytoplasma. The 16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA spacer and partial 23S rDNA sequences of these phytoplasma isolates were amplified with PCR by using primers P1/P7 or Pof/Por, and then cloned, sequenced and aligned on NCBI by BLAST program. The 16S rDNA, 16S-23S rDNA spacer and partial 23S rDNA sequences amplified from eight randomly selected samples from the fourteen isolates share 99% identity with that of poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma (GenBank accession no. AF190223). The results showed that the poinsettia branch-inducing phytoplasma exists in all samples of poinsettia cultivars examined in this study.


