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Theory and Vision for the Promotion of Minority Group Cultural Rights by Museums


當文化權利作為一種普遍且應有的人權,則自視應為全民創造通達可及性的博物館,如何促進少數群體在博物館場域實踐其文化權利?本文主要從Will Kymlicka、Iris Marion Young 等人探討少數群體權利、社群差異理論,以檢視博物館從事提昇少數群體權利的正當性。本文主要就國內博物館體制與現象進行觀察與討論,並就教於幾位較常接觸博物館的原住民族人、新移民人士,從他們與博物館、公部門互動經驗所產生使用及參與博物館的想像與期待,提出對博物館界就文化權利面發展少數群體權利的挑戰。研究結果顯示,臺灣博物館界對於促進少數群體使用博物館,甚至是進而改變博物館行事結構的可能性,還有很大的嘗試空間。轉化Kymlicka 就少數群體所提出的群體差異權利觀念,則博物館可促進培養原住民人才並與部落組織合作,以強化原住民自治權之促進;而多元族裔權的理念,可促進博物館重新思考如何以新方式促進新移民團體表達其文化特性與驕傲;Kymlicka 的特別代表權亦與Young 所提以差異作為群體溝通基礎而力倡群體代表權有相似之處,共同點都在於希望在各種決策過程與機制裡,確保少數群體的發聲及參與權利。Young 所提權益與機會的配置關係,以及顯示不正義所帶來的壓迫等概念,都可以促使博物館界工作者以更具創發性且符合少數群體權益的方向去進行變革。


This study focuses on the question of how museums, which are devoted to creating an understanding of various important issues, promote and implement cultural rights of minority groups. The author mainly follows the work of Will Kymlicka and Iris Marion Young to discuss the rights of minority groups and group differentiation theories. In addition to a review of the literature, several indigenous people and new immigrants with museum collaborative experience were interviewed. Through their contact and interactions with museums and/or public agencies, expectations of users and participating museums are proposed. These can serve as an important reference for museums facing the challenges associated with the promotion of minority rights in their pursuit of the elevation of cultural rights. The findings of this study show that among museums in Taiwan, there is room for improvement in many areas from the promotion of the use of museums by minority groups to the possibility of transforming museum structures and processes. Based on Kymlicka's concepts of group differentiation and rights, museums should cultivate indigenous talent and cooperate with indigenous organizations to strengthen indigenous self-government rights. From the concept of poly-ethnic rights, museum administrators should develop methods to allow new immigrant groups to express their cultural characteristics and pride. Kymlicka's special representation rights and Young's use of differentiation to establish a foundation for communication among groups have as their commonality the expectation that policies, processes and systems will be put into place that protect the voice and participatory rights of minority groups. The relationships between rights and opportunities proposed by Young reveal the oppression and other consequences brought about by injustice and provide museum workers with a direction to implement reforms that comply with the rights and interests of minority groups.


