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Pattern and Purpose of Dietary Supplements Use in Taiwan



This study describes practices of dietary supplement consumption among the general population, including the variety of supplements which are used, patterns of combined use, relationships of personal characteristics and patterns of use, and motives of and purposes for supplement use. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed for this study. Data for the major part of the analyses were derived from the National Nutrition and Health Survey carried out from 1993~ 1995 in Taiwan. In total, 806 participants aged from 19~ 64 years who self-reported consuming dietary supplements were included in the study to delineate patterns of supplement use. Small-group in-depth interviews were conducted among two groups of clinical dietitians to explore the motives of and purposes for supplement use. Results show: (1) Western-style rather than Chinese-style dietary supplements are much more widely used. (2) If at least two types of supplement are regularly consumed, vitamins C and E constitute the most commonly seen combination. The greater the variety at supplements consumed, the more likely it was that a mixed consumption of Western-style and Chinese-style supplements was observed. (3) Female, older adults, and people with higher educational levels tended to be multiple-supplement users. (4) To pursue health and beauty and meet nutritional needs were the major motives for supplement intake. (5) Excessive intake of certain nutrients was observed. The general public regularly consumed a large variety of dietary supplements. People hold strong expectations toward the effects 01 dietary supplements and inappropriate use particularly over consumption is common, Health professionals should enhance their ability to communicate with people with regard to a proper way of supplement consumption.


This study describes practices of dietary supplement consumption among the general population, including the variety of supplements which are used, patterns of combined use, relationships of personal characteristics and patterns of use, and motives of and purposes for supplement use. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed for this study. Data for the major part of the analyses were derived from the National Nutrition and Health Survey carried out from 1993~ 1995 in Taiwan. In total, 806 participants aged from 19~ 64 years who self-reported consuming dietary supplements were included in the study to delineate patterns of supplement use. Small-group in-depth interviews were conducted among two groups of clinical dietitians to explore the motives of and purposes for supplement use. Results show: (1) Western-style rather than Chinese-style dietary supplements are much more widely used. (2) If at least two types of supplement are regularly consumed, vitamins C and E constitute the most commonly seen combination. The greater the variety at supplements consumed, the more likely it was that a mixed consumption of Western-style and Chinese-style supplements was observed. (3) Female, older adults, and people with higher educational levels tended to be multiple-supplement users. (4) To pursue health and beauty and meet nutritional needs were the major motives for supplement intake. (5) Excessive intake of certain nutrients was observed. The general public regularly consumed a large variety of dietary supplements. People hold strong expectations toward the effects 01 dietary supplements and inappropriate use particularly over consumption is common, Health professionals should enhance their ability to communicate with people with regard to a proper way of supplement consumption.


