  • 期刊


Effect of Dietary Biotin Supplementation on Locomotion Score and Milk Production of Holstein Cows Under High Temperature-humidity Index


本試驗旨在探討於高溫溼度指數(Temperature-humidity index,THI)下(大於72)飼糧中補充生物素對荷蘭泌乳牛之行動分數、體重及產乳量之影響。試驗期間為2018年4月至6月份,將24頭泌乳中期荷蘭乳牛依體重、乳量、胎次與泌乳天數逢機分成三組,每組8頭,分別於基礎日糧中補充0(對照組)、每天每頭補充20mg生物素及每天每頭補充40mg生物素。試驗期間每月調查包括畜舍環境參數(包括溫度、濕度)與計算溫溼度指數、牛隻行動分數(5分制)、體重與產乳量,試驗進行3個月。試驗結果顯示,試驗期間各月份溫溼度指數分別為4月份平均73.9±5.2、5月份78.1±3.9及6月份平均81.9±4.9。飼糧補充20mg生物素或40mg生物素有降低牛隻餵飼後第60天及90天之行動分數,但是未影響泌乳牛隻體重變化。牛隻產乳量也隨著補充20或40mg/d生物素30天、60天及90天皆有增加之趨勢(p=0.18),平均每天增加0.6至0.8kg,但是20mg生物素與40mg生物素彼此間未有明顯差異。由上述結果得知,在高溫濕度指數下,於飼糧中補充生物素可能有助減緩牛隻行動分數之上升與改善產乳量之現象,但是補充20及40mg/d生物素沒有明顯差別。


This study evaluates dietary supplementation of biotin on locomotion score, body weight, and milk production of Holstein lactating cows under temperature-humidity index (THI) above 72. During from April to June, a total of 24 Holstein lactating cows were randomly divided into three groups according to body weight, milk yield, parity and days in milk. Cows received diets with additional 0 (control), 20 mg biotin, and 40 mg biotin (head/day). Barn environmental parameters (including temperature, humidity and calculated THI), locomotion score (5 points), body weight and milk production were collected monthly for 3 months. The results show that THI in the barn from April to June were 73.9 ± 5.2, 78.1 ± 3.9, and 82.0 ± 3.9, respectively. Diet with 20 mg biotin or 40 mg biotin supplementation decreased locomotion score for 60 and 90 days, but body weight was not affected by adding biotin. Dietary supplementation with biotin increased the milk production after 30, 60, and 90 days of feeding, with an average increase of 0.6-0.8 kg/day, and no significant difference between 20 mg and 40 mg/d. From these results, it is recommended that supplementing with dietary biotin under high temperature-humidity index could help mitigate cow's locomotion score gain and improve milk production, with no significant difference between supplemental levels of 20 and 40 mg biotin per day.


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