  • 期刊


Investigation of Junior High School First Graders' Nature of Participating & Motivation in Science Inquiry Activity-Case Study


本研究旨在探討參與科學探究活動之國一個案學生,其在科學探究過程中的參與內涵,與學習動機的變化歷程,並探討影響個案學生參與科學探究過程學習動機變化之因素。 研究方法採取質、量結合的方式,利用教室觀察、問卷調查及晤談等方法,並收集個案學生的學習檔案,包括科學專題探究活動學習單與心得報告,而根據這些資料推得個案學生在科學探究活動中之參與內涵、學習動機變化與影響變化之因素等。研究對象之個案國一學生,共有四位,學業成就均在全年級前半段,其課業壓力非常沉重,科學探究活動之時間主要是排在非上課時段的周六上午進行。研究過程中,研究者持續的將所收集到的資料,進行歸納、比較與分析,並對於不同的資料文件進行三角校正,以提高研究結果的效度。 研究結果發現,個案學生在科學探究過程中參與內涵的表現與學生個人特質傾向有密切的關係。其中,領袖是活動節奏的掌控者,聯絡人會與領袖高度互動,並傳達指令,默默耕耘的學生,不常表達意見,而是安靜地將任務依序完成,狀況外的參與者則很少主動投入活動,只於被指派任務時才會工作。 個案學生在科學探究過程中之學習動機隨著情境與活動階段不同而呈現波浪狀之變化歷程。至於影響個案學生參與科學探究過程前後學習動機變化之因素包括實驗挫折、實驗時間冗長、是否動手操作、同儕競爭與教師肯定等。


The purpose of this study were to explore the junior high school first graders' nature of participating, the changes of learning motivations, and influencing factors of the changes in science inquiry activity. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods which data collections included systematic classroom observations, interviews, questionnaires and collections of portfolios were used in this study. During the research period data were continuing collected, analyzed, compared and triangulated for enhancing the validity of the research outcomes. Four junior high first graders participated in the Saturday morning scientific investigation activities were selected in the study. The results indicated that students' nature of participating was closely connected with students' personal traits. The student who was good in leading controlled the progress of science inquiry activities, and the one who kept nice contact with the leader as well as the others would act as a liaison officer between them. The student who kept doing silently seldom showed her own opinions. However, the student who was peripheral participant, would only conduct activities when invited by the other three group members, she couldn't show her enthusiasm and was often passive. During the science inquiry activity, students' motivations changed with the situation and the step of activities. The factors influencing students' motivations included the frustration and the redundancy of the experiments, the opportunity to do themselves, the competition among classmates, the courage from the teacher, etc.


