  • 學位論文


Applying ISM and AHP Approach to Develop in Finding Critical Usability Problems

指導教授 : 陳俊瑋
共同指導教授 : 王焜潔


本研究旨在發展一個在複雜的使用性問題中找出核心問題的釐清方法,並驗證其掌握核心使用性問題的有效性。所謂使用性問題指的是產品讓使用者感受到不好用的地方。J. Dewey曾指出,界定出一個好的問題等於解決了一半的問題。若真正的使用性問題能被掌握並妥善地改善,則產品成功的機會必然會大增。這突顯出掌握真正(核心)的使用性問題對產品成功的重要性。此「核心使用性問題釐清法(Critical Usability Problems Finding Approach,CUPFA)」定義為在啟發式評估法中加入「5W1H」、「詮釋性結構(Interpretive Structural Modeling,ISM)」以及「層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)」技術的使用性問題調查法。本研究以助行器案例與輪椅案例為例演練CUPFA,借以驗證CUPFA的有效性。測試結果顯示,(1)使用性問題經CUPFA分析確實呈現出不同類型、不同階層關係與不同重要性等特性,(2)依CUPFA選出的使用性問題確實被專家認定為較重要的使用性問題。這意味,(1)CUPFA確實具有分類、分析以及排序使用性問題的功效。(2)CUPFA確實具有掌握真正使用性問題的功效。因此,本研究建議在複雜的使用性問題中可採用CUPFA找出真正的使用性問題,以增加產品成功的機會。


The purpose of this study is to develop a technologytermed Critical Usability Problems Finding Approach (CUPFA), and test the feasibility of the approach. A usability problem refers the points a user does not satisfy when he/she used a product. J. Dewey said that to hold key reason is the base of successfully salving a problem, implied the importance of finding critical usability problems in developing a successful product. Therefore, we can not overemphasize the importance of approach for finding critical usability problems. Accordingly, this study proposes CUPFA based on Heuristic Evaluation Method, 5W1H, AHP and ISM technologies. This study used a walker and a wheel chair as examples to verity the feasibility of CUPFA. The method for testing the feasibility of CUPFA is a case demonstration of CUPFA. From the testing results, it is obviously seen that (1) CUPFA can sort, analyze correlation and analyze importance order of usability problems, (2) the found usability problems by CUPFA are considered as critical problem by usability experts. These implied that CUPFA can find critical usability problems so that increase the rating of developing successful product. Therefore, this study suggests that product designer can adopt CUPFA to find critical usability problems during developing a product for increasing the rating of developing successful product.


usability problem usability inspection 5W1H ISM AHP


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