  • 學位論文


The Correlation Between Exercise Stages and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Elderly: The Mediating Role of Quality of Sleep

指導教授 : 李碧霞


中文摘要 背景:運動階段、睡眠品質及健康相關生活品質之間有密切相關,但過去研究並沒有對三者間的因果關係進行驗證。目的:本研究旨在探討老人運動階段與健康相關生活品質之關係及睡眠品質的中介影響。方法:採橫斷式研究設計,調查臺北市某一行政區250位65歲以上老年人,以運動行為階段量表、SF-36健康狀態調查表及匹茲堡睡眠品質指標量表為研究工具,以平均值、標準差呈現描述性統計,以單因子變異數分析、階層式迴歸分析及sobel test進行推論性統計。結果:研究對象有65.2%運動階段是處於維持期;整體生理功能平均得分為49.16分,整體心理功能為54.67分;睡眠品質平均得分為8.22分,其中72.4%有睡眠品質不良的情形。不同運動階段在整體生理功能(F = 10.93, p < .001)、整體心理功能(F = 2.99, p < .05)及睡眠品質(F = 4.86, p < .05)上有顯著差異。控制性別、年齡及罹病數目後,睡眠品質在運動階段與整體生理功能的關係上扮演著重要的中介角色(β=-0.31, p < .01);在整體心理功能上,睡眠品質的影響力大於運動階段。結論:老人的睡眠品質是運動階段與整體生理功能間的重要中介變項,且是整體心理功能的重要影響變項,醫療衛生專業人員在提升老人的整體生理功能及心理功能時,宜同時考量運動習慣與睡眠品質。


英文摘要 Background: The previous researches never focus the verification for the relationships among exercise stages, sleep quality and health-related quality of life. Aim: To explore the relationships among exercise stages, health-related quality of life, and sleep quality and to test whether sleep quality mediates the effect of exercise stages on health-related quality of life in elders. Methods: A cross-sectional design was conducted with a total of 250 over sixty-five older in one of the district in Taipei City. Instruments used include the Exercise Stages of Change Questionnaire, the Taiwanese version of SF-36, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index-Taiwan Form. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation for descriptive statistics, and one-way ANOVA, hierarchical regression and sobel test for inferential statistics. Results: 65.2% of participants’ exercise stage is under maintenance stage and the average of physical component scale and mental component scale are 49.16 and 54.67. The average of the sleep quality was 8.22, and there was 72.4% participants on a poor sleep quality condition. There was significant differences among physical component scale(F = 10.93, p < .001); mental component scale(F = 2.99, p < .05)and sleep quality(F = 4.86, p < .05)under different exercise stages. Sleep quality significantly mediated(β=-0.31, p < .01)the relationship between exercise stages and physical component scale after control the gender, age and number of diseases, but for the mental component scale, sleep quality does more effects than exercise stages. Conclusions: This study suggested that sleep quality is an important mediating role on the relationship between exercise stages and physical component scale, and a major variable for mental component scale in elderly. When medical and health professional to improve physical and mental component scale of elderly people, need to consider exercise habit and sleep quality simultaneously.




曾玉純(2015)。中高齡個別功能性體適能指導 之課程發展研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614012237
