  • 學位論文

中高齡個別功能性體適能指導 之課程發展研究

指導教授 : 陳毓璟


本研究主要在發展「中高齡者個別功能性體適能」課程,包括研究目的(ㄧ)了解中高齡者在個人功能性體適能指導課程中的學習狀況;(二)分析在個人功能性體適能指導課程對中高齡者功能性體適能影響;(三)探討中高齡者之個人功能性體適能的課程發展過程與課程設計。   本研究採用行動研究法,以五位平均年齡64歲之台北市民為研究對象,與家醫科醫生配合在課程實施前先對參與者進行身體功能評估;並針對個案狀況做個別調整與規劃個別訓練,同時進行老人功能性體適能測驗,訓練後佐以訪談與老人功能性體適能測驗,求了解課程實施成效,研究結果如下: 一、五位學員均持續維持良好運動習慣,均可以正確且安全的自主運動,並達到身體功能性改善與減重的目的。 二、個別功能性體適能之學習成效:以spss21.0作魏克遜符號等級檢定(Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test),在30秒坐姿起立、手臂屈舉、兩分鐘抬膝、坐起繞物、體重、BMI、體脂率與內臟脂肪均達顯著差異(p<0.05);每位學員在老人體適能檢測上均有小幅進步,包括肌力與敏捷度,而柔軟度的進步較少;體重、體脂率、內臟脂肪呈現下降趨勢,且肌肉量上昇。 三、本研究配合中高齡者的學習特性,所進行的課程調整:加強明確的課程肌肉分類、簡易化課程實行時用語的方式、引發思考與對話,以及視學員個別學習需求或情況調整上課順序。 四、課程中所發生的一般性問題為:(一)呼吸與正確體線的控制不足與突發性的運動問題;(二)肌群部份的問題:核心不穩、左右肌力不對稱、站立中心體線姿勢錯誤、無法感受到正確肌肉與代償現象;(三)關節常見問題:肩關節不穩與僵硬、脊柱駝背與前引、骨盆歪斜與膝關節穩定性不佳。 五、對中高齡者功能性體適能課程建議包括:(一)教學多樣性以增加學習興趣;(二)課程頻率不應過於密集;(三)應保持寬敞的場地減少運動阻礙;(四)透過學員倡導運動的好處,並多加推廣;(五)心肺功能以循序漸進為原則,從短時間多樣性來培養有氧習慣。


This study in the development of "the elderly in individually functional fitness" programs includes several research purposes (1) the understanding of the learning situation for elderly individuals of functional fitness in coaching sessions; (2) the affecting of coaching sessions for the elderly functional fitness; (3) the elderly individual functional fitness in curriculum development and curriculum design. In this study of action research, the research target is five Taipei citizens, the average age of 64 in participating training course. Before the course, the family medicine physician do make individual adjustments and individual training plan for the status of cases. At the same time, the Senior Fitness Test[SFT] will be collated before and after courses. After training courses, the purpose of interviews with SFT is to seek their understanding and effectiveness in the curriculum. The results are as follows: 1. Five students maintain a good exercise habits. They can not only do self-correction and make safe movement, but their physical functions are improved to achieve weight loss goals. 2. The effectiveness of energy in the individual functional fitness study : the spss21.0 Signed Ranks Test, chair stand, 2-minute step test, Up and Go, weight, BMI, body fat rate and visceral fat reached a significant difference (p <0.05); each student has a slight progress in SFT which can be detected, including the strength and agility, and less progress softness; body weight, body fat ratio, visceral fat showed a downward trend, and increased muscle mass. 3. The study of elderly people with learning characteristics, course adjustment carried out: when a clear course to strengthen the muscles classification, simple language curriculum implementation approach, provoke thinking and dialogue, and depending on the individual learning needs of students or school adjustment order situation . 4. The general issues that occur in the course of :( a) controlled breathing and body line correct deficiencies sudden movement problems; (b) the muscle part of the problem: the core of instability, muscle asymmetry around standing body line center position error, unable to feel the muscles properly and compensatory phenomenon; (c) joint FAQ: stiff shoulder instability and spinal hump with cit, crooked pelvis and knee stability is poor. 5. The elderly functional fitness program proposals include :(a) teaching diversity to increase interests in learning; (b) the frequency of the courses should not be too intensive; (c) maintaining enough spacious grounds to prevent from body movement; (d) more advocating and promoting the benefits of exercise through students; (e) the principle of gradual and orderly cardiopulmonary function, from a short aerobic habit to cultivate diversity.




方進隆(1997)。健康體能的理論與實際(2 版)。台北:漢文書局。
