  • 學位論文


Path Replacement Strategies in Non-closed Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 柯志鴻


無線感測網路是由數百或更多的小型感測器所組成,主要功能是去偵測環境變動,並且能夠處理和儲存偵測到的資料,進而透過無線傳輸的方式傳送資料。在過去的研究中,大都是假設感測器被佈署的數目及位置是固定的,且能持續正常的運作,另外也假設感測器本身是沒有移動能力的,這就是所謂的閉合感測網路。這類系統中的路徑一旦決定後,通常會持續運作直到路徑上某些節點失去作用為止。反之,若是在非閉合感測網路中,除了感測器可能裝設在可移動的設備上而能變更位置外,配置在各處的感測器數目也可能是變動的。而這些變動的原因包括:(1) 失效的感測器因配置新的電池而加入系統的運作;(2) 為了提高偵測資料的正確性或擴大偵測範圍等理由,增加了佈置的感測器數目;(3) 受到環境因素的影響,造成感測器佈置的位置改變;(4) 配備感測器的行動裝置進入現有的感測網路中。而感測網路中新增的感測器節點,我們將它稱之為遷入感測器。 當有遷入感測器出現在非閉合感測網路的感測範圍中,它們有機會提供比現行路徑更有效率的傳送路徑。本篇論文研究在非閉合無線感測網路中的路徑更換問題,並提出數個路徑更換策略以找出最有效率的路徑。


The wireless sensor network is composed of a great deal of sensor devices which are equipped with functions like sensing environment, data processing, and wireless communicating with each other. The sensor devices can be deployed on the wasteland or places which are hard to reach. In the past research, we always assumed the deployed counts and positions of sensors are immobile. And they also can continue to run normally. On the other hand, we assumed the sensors do not have the ability to move. This called “Closed Sensor neteork”. Once the path of this system had been decided, it will continue running until some sensors of the path are failure. On the contrary, in “non-closed sensor neteork” the sensors may be set on the moveable device. Therefore, the will change the position and the sensors’ counts also may be changed. Thus, what reasons cause it : (1) Dead sensors join the system operation because they set new battery. (2) In order to improve the validity of sensing data or expand sensing range…, it will need to increase the deployed sensor counts. (3) Due to environment, it will make the positions of deployed sensors changed. (4) The mobile devices of equipped sensors enter the going sensor neteorks. This newly-join node, we called immigrant sensor. While immigrant sensors appear in the sensing range of non-closed wireless sensor network, they probably offer routing path more efficiency than active path. This research studies the issue of path replacement in non-closed wireless sensor networks and proposes several path replacement strategies to find the efficient and effective routing path.


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