  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships among Innovativeness, Green Consumption Attitude, Personality Trait and Intention to Use E-books

指導教授 : 何怡慧


由於電子科技發展技術日趨成熟,平板電腦的普及與環保意識高漲,電子書已逐漸使用於科技先進國家。電子書符合綠色環保概念,不需砍伐樹木,減少碳排放,貼近綠色特性,加上其攜帶方便、容易大量儲存等功能,使得電子書成為未來書本閱讀的趨勢,也使相關研究成為熱門的議題。然而,以往關於電子書的研究,學者大多使用科技接受模型與產品創新特性探討電子書,較少針對使用者個人的創新特質進行電子書使用意願的研究。綠色消費態度研究則集中在對消費行為與購買意願有所影響上,少有研究以綠色消費態度對使用意願進行研究探討,更少有研究者單獨針對電子書的部分進行研究,而人格特質的相關研究大多著重於心理學相關層面的探討,目前鮮少以人格特質來研究電子書的使用意願。 因此,本研究以問卷方式進行研究,探討個人的創新特質、綠色消費態度、人格特質與電子書使用意願之間的關聯性,研究結果顯示以下五點結論:(1)個人的創新特質對電子書使用意願有顯著正向影響;(2)個人的綠色消費態度對電子書使用意願有顯著正向影響;(3)嚴謹性、友善性、開放性等人格特質對電子書使用意願有顯著正向影響;(4)曾使用過電子書的經驗對電子書使用意願有顯著正向影響;(5)性別、教育程度、月薪及婚姻狀況對電子書使用意願並無顯著差異。


E-books have been gradually used in technologically advanced countries due to the mature of electronic technology, the popularity of tablet personal computers, and the increasing consciousness in environmental protection. E-books are portable with huge storage function which conforms to the concept of green environmental protection that reduces felling trees and carbon emission. Therefore, using e-books has become the future trend in book readings, and issues in e-books using have become popular in research. However, previous studies mostly adopted technology acceptance model and product innovation characteristics to examine e-books using intention. Only little study explores the impact of personal innovativeness on e-books using intention. Moreover, studies in green consumption attitude focused mostly on its impact on consumer behavior and purchase intention; only little study examines the impact of green consumption attitude on e-books using intention. Regarding the research of personality traits, most studies focused on psychology related issues. Rare study examines the impact of personality traits on the intention to use e-books. The study therefore uses survey to examine the relationships among personal innovativeness, green consumption attitude, personality traits, and the intention of using e-books. Research findings indicate that (1) Personal innovativeness have positive and significant impact on the intention to use e-books; (2) Attitude to green consumption has positive and significant impact on the intention to use e-books; (3) Conscientiousness, agreeableness and openness personal traits have positive and significant impact on the intention to use e-books; (4) The experience of using e-books is positively related to the intention to use e-books; (5) There are no significant differences in intention to use e-books in different gender, education degrees, salaries and marital status.


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