  • 學位論文


A Study on Stages of Concern and Acceptance of Technology for Telehealth among the Internet Users

指導教授 : 陳金淵


目的 醫療產業為了因應社會環境以及資訊科技的演化,服務的提供型態也逐漸改變,如近年來逐漸受到重視的遠距健康照護。但由於「改變」過程中所帶來的不確定感,導致有些「創新」不能被大眾所接受,無法順利推展。本研究旨在瞭解民眾對於「遠距健康照護」這項創新服務之關注、接受程度及其間之相關性。 方法 本研究採用橫斷式調查法,以立意抽樣方式,針對網路族群進行網路問卷。於2013年2月22日至4月7日收集413份,有效問卷為411份(達99.5%)。問卷內容包含個人基本屬性、關注階層與整合型科技接受量表。除描述性與差異性統計檢定外,也利用階層迴歸分析分別檢測關注階層及科技接受度構面對使用意願之影響。 結果 整體而言,目前民眾對於遠距健康照護之關注程度及接受度不高,但細部分析發現,罹患慢性疾病或具有遠距健康照護使用經驗者之關注及接受度較高,達顯著差異(p<0.01)。迴歸分析發現,「社會影響」對「使用意願」具正向影響(β=-0.456, p<0.001),而「經驗」(β=-0.099, p<0.023)在「社會影響」(β=-0.436, p<0.001)對「使用意願」之關係具干擾效果。值得注意的是,再加入關注階層後,整體解釋力提升約9%(∆R2 =0.087, F change=8.066, p<0.001)其中,「資訊」(β=-0.233, p=0.009)及「調整」(β=0.282, p<0.001)對使用意願有顯著之影響。 結論 創新科技之推展擴散並非一蹴可及,更何況在未來幾年,許多已開發國家將面臨人口老化之浪潮,對健康照護服務需求將越來越多,故須先行擬定應對方針。研究結果顯示,民眾對於有關遠距健康照護之訊息越不在意,對遠距健康照護之使用意願則越高,由此觀之,在訊息傳遞的方式上須做一些改變,以提高民眾對遠距健康照護的使用意願。而對於民眾提供遠距健康照護之建議或改善方法,應於審慎評估過後加以參考,並給予適當的回應,因為會主動提出建議之使用者,表示對遠距健康照護關注程度高,且有較高的使用意願。


Objective The services provided by the medical industry have gradually changed with changes in social environment and advancement of information technology. For instance, telehealth is one of the services that have emerged and drawn increasing attention in recent years. However, every change has uncertainties, so some “innovations” may not be accepted by the general public. This study investigated people’s concern about and acceptance of the “telehealth” innovation and the correlation between the two variables. Method Data were collected from a cross-sectional survey administered to Internet users selected by purposive sampling during Feb 22~Apr 7, 2013. 413 responses were returned, and 411 of them were valid (99.5% valid response rate). The questionnaire consisted of demographic information, stage of concern scale, and UTAUT scale. In addition to analysis of descriptive statistics and differences across variables, this study performed hierarchical regression analysis to examine how stages of concern and levels of technology acceptance respectively affect usage intention. Results Overall, the respondents showed a low level of concern about and acceptance of telehealth. However, those with a chronic disease or experience with telehealth showed significantly higher concern about and acceptance of this innovation (p<0.01). The regression analysis indicated that “social influence” was positively related to “behavioral intention” (β=-0.456, p<0.001), and this relationship between “social influence” and “behavioral intention” (β=-0.436, p<0.001) was moderated by “experience” (β=-0.099, p<0.023). It should be noted that after the effect of stages of concern was considered, the total variance explained increased by nearly 9% (∆R2 =0.087, F change=8.066, p<0.001). The effects of “information” (β=-0.233, p=0.009) and “refocusing” (β=0.282, p<0.001) on “behavioral intention” were significant. Conclusion Diffusion of an innovation cannot be achieved overnight. It is foreseeable that many nations will be confronted with population aging and a rising demand for healthcare services. Hence, proper coping strategies should be drawn first. Results suggested that respondents with lower levels of concern about telehealth tended to show higher acceptance of this innovation. In other words, some changes can be made to the way information is communicated so as to increase people’s intention to use telehealth. Besides, service providers of telehealth should listen to suggestions and react to them properly. This is because people who are willing to provide suggestions about an innovation tend to have more concern about this innovation and are more likely to have higher intention to use it.


