  • 學位論文


Transformation and Innovation Strategy for Rural Region Farmers` Association in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王正華


農會,在臺灣地區的地方農業發展歷史中有極其重要的地位,自1900年日本為了協助發展臺灣地區的農業政策在如今新北市三峽區成立了第一個農會組織後,一路以來農會組織與臺灣的農業發展有了緊密而不可分的關係。因此農會的永續發展對於臺灣地區未來地農業發展也有著密切的關聯,尤以鄉村地區的農會更是如此。 鄉村地區因為人口少,分配到的資源相對於都市地區也是更加稀少。農民很多事情都需要仰仗農會的輔導與協助。但是自臺灣的社會型態從早期的農業社會轉型進入如今以服務為主的工商社會,農會經過一連串的社會變遷,鄉村地區面臨人口嚴重外流及人口結構地快速老化,農業及商業活動快速委靡。臺灣加入WTO之後,大量開放外國農產品進口及對農業政策的補助大幅度的減少,種種的原因使得鄉村地區的農會經營日漸陷入困頓,農會的整頓、轉型及創新迫在眉睫。鑒於過往對於農會如何轉型已經有很多相關的研究,但是因為地理環境的關係,不同型態的農會所擁有的優、劣勢盡不相同,都市型的農會與鄉村型的農會需要轉型的方向也截然不同。 本研究針對臺灣地區行政區域人口低於一萬人之鄉村型農會作為主要研究目標,鄉村型農會的轉型與創新之研究,希望透過AHP專家問卷彙整相關農業單位不同專家的專業見解,找出目前鄉村型農會最需要轉型與創新的策略。透過IPA重要度-認同度問卷,了解位在第一線農會員工的對農會轉型與創新的意見以及鄉村型農會目前的真實經營及轉型情況。透過綜合以上專家及農會員工的意見,整理出鄉村型農會最佳的轉型與創新之方法,協助鄉村型農會在面對社會變遷能夠順利轉型成功,達到農會永續發展的可能,進而能夠幫助地方農業的持續發展,繁榮地方農業。 依據本研究針對鄉村型農會轉型與創新的策略透過AHP專家問卷及IPA重要度-認同度問卷兩者問卷結果交叉分析所獲致之結論如下: 一、結合在地文化、發展觀光文創 二、依據核心能力,開發新事業體 為鄉村型農會在轉型與創新的策略制定上必須最優先考的方向。


Farmers' associations have a critical role in Taiwan's agricultural development history by successfully building the bridge between the government and farmers. Since the first farmers' association was established in 1900, it started to have great influences on agricultural development in Taiwan. Hence, agricultural future development also deeply relied on the sustainability of Farmers' Associations in Taiwan, especially in rural region. After series of social form transformation in recent decades in Taiwan, Taiwan's social form has changed from agricultural society to industrial and economic society. Urbanization decreased the business and agricultural activities in Taiwan’s rural region and it also caused rural region population outflow and aging population problems. Moreover, Taiwan has opening up their domestic market to foreign agricultural products after joined the WTO and other FTAs. This has great impacts on rural region economy and also challenged the farmers' associations in the region. Thus, there is a great need in transformation and innovation for farmers' association's operation in order to maintain their sustainability. Farmers' associations are very localized organizations, their operations are affected by the surrounding geography, humanities and business activities. Therefore, farmers’ associations in the different areas have their own advantages and disadvantages. Farmers' associations in urban area and in rural area need different strategies toward transformation and innovation. This study is base on the transformation and innovation strategies of farmers' associations which have administrative regional population under ten thousand people. Using AHP (Analytic hierarchy process) survey and IPA (Importance performance analysis) survey to gather different opinions from experts (AHP) and farmer's association employees (IPA) to seek the best transformation and innovation strategies for rural region farmers' associations. By cross-references both result from AHP analysis and IPA analysis, we concluded the best strategies for transformation and innovation of rural region farmers' associations are as followed: 1. Combine the local culture to develop tourism related industries. 2. Find the core competencies of farmers' associations and develop new business units.


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