  • 學位論文


A Study on Associated Factors of Caregiver Burden for Patient with First Onset of Cerebral Vascular Accident(CVA)

指導教授 : 顏文娟


本研究目的為探討初次腦中風病患照顧者負荷之相關因素。採立意取樣於中部某區域醫院神經內外科病房收案72人,本研究使用照顧者負荷量表(caregiver Burden Inventory; CBI)、自覺健康量表之一般性健康分量表(General Health Perceptions subscale of SF-36)、正負向情感量表(Positive and Negative Affect Schedule; PANAS)及自覺社會支持量表(Received Social Support Scale)。研究採描述性統計、t test、one- way ANOVA、Pearson Correlation、Mann-Whiney U、Kruskal-Wallis、Spearman’s Rank order Correlation進行統計分析。研究結果發現(1)初次腦中風病患照顧者負荷以時間負荷、身體負荷及發展負荷為最嚴重。(2)初次腦中風病患照顧者負荷受病患住院天數、教育程度、日常生活功能及照顧者的年齡、照顧時間、自覺健康狀況的影響。(3)初次腦中風病患照顧者以正向情感表現居多。照顧者正向情感與照顧者負荷無相關,但與負向情感為負相關。(4)初次腦中風病患照顧者自覺社會支持是足夠且感到滿意,照顧者自覺社會支持與照顧者負荷無顯著關係。本研究結果可作為臨床護理人員照顧病患的參考,瞭解初次腦中風病患照顧者之照顧負荷,提供適合照顧者之照護服務,協助其對照顧工作之適應,進而提升病患照護品質。


腦中風 照顧者 照顧者負荷


The aim of the study was to explore the associated factors of caregiver burden for patients with the first onset of cerebral vascular accident (CVA). Seventy two subjects were recruited from neurological ward of a local hospital in Taichung by purposive sampling. Caregiver Burden Inventory, General Health scale of SF-36 health survey, Positive and Negative Affect Schedule and Received support scale were utilized to measure variables. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t test, one- way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, Mann-Whiney U, Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman’s Rank order Correlation. The results showed that: (1) Time, physical and development were the top three items which the caregivers felt burdensome. (2) Days of hospitalization, patients’ education, daily function and caregivers’ age, caregiving hours and self perceives health were found to be associated with caregivers’ burden. (3) Positive affect was found in most caregivers of patients with first time onset of CVA. Negative affect was found to be related to caregiver burden. (4) Caregivers of patients with first time onset of CVA were satisfied with support they received; Caregivers received social support was nonsignificant to caregiver’s burden. The research outcome can be a reference for clinical nursing stuffs to understand the burden of the caregivers in caring the patients and provide appropriate assistances to help them to reach a good status of adjustment of being caregivers.


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