  • 學位論文

挪威劇作家庸.佛瑟作品研究— 重複性結構形式與失落的自我

The Study of Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse: the symbiotic relationship between the use of formal repetition and the state of being lost.

指導教授 : 林國源


本論文以挪威當代劇作家庸.佛瑟(Jon Fosse, 1959~)為研究對象。研究重點在其文本的戲劇特徵(形式)如何轉變為戲劇主題(內容): 戲劇結構中重複性手法的使用如何展現現代人生活的失落感,表達每一個人生命必然經歷,在日常生活某片刻失落,內心無從參照之歷程。 第一章為緒論。說明筆者對現代戲劇轉變之觀察;敘述策略與對自我失落主題的關懷;理論背景與觀點;佛瑟的文學淵源與意識流傳統;以及研究動機等。 第二章為劇作家的三個作品階段與戲劇原型說明;由佛瑟不管在哪一個寫實程度的創作階段,都一致呈現當代文明生活中「家庭」、「兩性」、與「個人內在」之人際關係與自我參照關係的失落狀態,因此提出佛瑟的戲劇原型是一段失落的旅程;並且進一步提出「重複性」手法是分析佛瑟戲劇重要的形式特徵之觀點。 第三章延續第二章的「失落」內容與「重複性」形式主軸,先說明佛瑟筆下的角色名稱和性格樣貌、空間與場景等佛瑟戲劇之常態現象;再以《溫暖》一劇分析語言的重複性結構;和以《有人將至》一劇分析行動的重複性結構。本章主要分析兩個作品如何分別循環不已的藉由「想像」和「回憶」概念造成作品失去時間感,角色在人生中失落的戲劇質地。 第四章聚焦「自我的失落」。以《沙發上的女孩》為例,分析佛瑟創造出的一種內容與形式衝突的戲劇結構 : 本劇一方面透過重複性手法,表現自我在過去的回憶、對未來的想像,以及情緒知覺中不斷交錯移置的內在立體樣貌;另一方面卻因其矛盾性,凸顯出自我認知被侷限和其不可確認的過程,讓文本最終被辨識為一段「自我無法安頓」的旅程;一幅孤獨的心靈圖像。本文也藉此作品說明佛瑟的劇本如何將人類內在的意識流動與情緒感知過程,從文學傳統帶往立體外化的劇場空間。 第五章為結語,以及本論文企圖藉佛瑟作品思考戲劇的數個層次: 總結佛瑟在其劇本中創造出的,失落旅程的原型,多麼靠近我們的日常生活、人們每天都可能感覺到並且理解的片刻;或者在標準、公共性、彷彿文明的社會背面,被淺度理性和語言遺忘的另一種生命結構。論文附錄提供第一手田調資料,包含對劇作家本人、以及兩位重要導演的訪談。


The aim of this work is to study contemporary Norwegian playwright Jon Fosse (1959~ ). In every person’s life there is at least one moment where they are lost, whether it is in regards to family, a relationship or within oneself. The focus of the research is how he uses repetition within the structure of his plays to create that sense of lost. Chapter 1, an introduction that discusses how modern drama has changed, how the strategy of storytelling is linked with the sense of being lost in self, what theory is used within the research, the history of playwright Jon Fosse’s literary works and how he was affected by the stream of consciousness, and finally the motivation of how this study came to be. Chapter 2, the archetype of the journey of being lost: how even through the different phases of Jon Fosses plays, the relationships continually deal with the sense of being lost, whether it is being lost within a family structure, a relationship between two people or the relationship with oneself. This chapter also touches on how Fosse uses repetition in his works and how important the analysis of this repetition is to understanding the characteristics of his plays. Chapter 3, builds on the themes of repetition and the sense of being lost that were discussed in Chapter 2. This chapter continues with describing the characteristics of Fosses plays and how his characters and the space these characters reside in constantly have commonalities. The plays Someone is Going to Come and Warm are used as examples in showing the commonalities in repetition and the sense of being lost. Someone is Going to Come presents the sense of being lost through the repetition of action. Warm on the other hand creates the sense of being lost through its use of repetition in dialog. But in both of these works, concepts of the mind are at play and are repeated to create a sense of being lost: “imagination” in Someone is Going to Come and “memory” in Warm. Chapter 4 focuses on The Girl on the Sofa, a play that deals with the sense of being lost within oneself. The main character, Woman, works on a painting of herself as a little girl sitting on a sofa and communicates with herself and tries to find her identity. Like Someone is Going to Come and Warm, The Girl on the Sofa uses repetition to create the sense of being lost, however The Girl on the Sofa’s complexity comes from the way Fosse uses the repetition of her past memories, her imagined future and present actions to create her lonely world. A lonely world of her mind that is represented by the large paintings of her past, present and future that reside around her on the stage-the world she is lost in and so desperately wants to move on from. Chapter 5, the conclusion, sums up how Fosse’s archetypal journey of being lost is created within his plays and how closely it is tied to the sense of lost within a given moment that everyday people feel and understand. Attached is also the appendix which includes first-hand interview of Jon Fosse along with interviews with directors of his plays.


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