  • 學位論文


Professional Management Skills of Volunteer Administrators

指導教授 : 張英陣


志工管理為推展志願服務的重要基石,為瞭解志工管理者應具備的專業管理技巧與價值及探討影響技巧與價值建構的因素,本研究選擇以台中縣、市為主要研究場域,以問卷調查為主,深度訪談為輔的模式,瞭解志工管理者、志願服務業務主管及志工隊長對於志工管理者專業管理技巧與價值重要性認知及具備程度的評估。 經過131份有效問卷及5位志工管理者深度訪談的資料分析討論後,本研究主要發現如下: 一、 志工管理者應具備的管理技巧,包括組織領導能力方面,偏重在落實組織使命及志工充權;責信方面,偏重在重視志工意見及預算的編列;管理技巧方面,偏重在公平的評估表揚機制及新進志工的引導;個人技巧方面,偏重在建立良好溝通平台;組織文化方面,營造正向環境與志工共同達成任務;專業承諾方面,建立一個良好信譽的方案。 二、 志工管理者應具備的管理價值,包括公民和慈善事業方面,偏重堅守志願服務與人性的價值;尊重方面,偏重尊重個人隱私並謹守保密原則;責任方面,偏重追求專業知能提升;關懷方面,偏重親切友善的人際互動;正義與公平方面,偏重公正客觀的判斷;值得信賴方面,偏重坦白真誠的溝通與有效的衝突處理。 最後,本研究提出以下建議: 一、 建議學校鼓勵有意願投入志願服務工作的學生,在學期間多接觸志願服務相關課程,並實際參與志願服務,獲得服務的經驗。 二、 建議各級主管機關依據不同類型的志工隊進行分類分級的志工管理訓練規劃,邀請學術及實務人士共同參與授課,透過理論解說及實際演練雙管齊下,以充實相關專業知識與提升技巧運用的熟悉度。 三、 建議由各地方志願服務推廣中心或志工中心主導建立志願服務團隊相互交流學習的平台,提供志工管理者及志願服務團隊多元學習管道。 四、 建議志願服務運用單位優先運用資深人員或主管及人員擔任專職志工管理者,或為新進志工管理者建立完整督導及教育機制,以期能適時給予指導與協助。 五、 建議志願服務運用單位給予志工管理者參與教育訓練更多的機會與便利性,甚至有臨時人力可分擔其受訓期間的基本工作,以提高志工管理者主動參與訓練的意願。 六、 建議志願服務運用單位主管在人力安排、經費編列、主管實際參與及志工管理者決策權等各方面,給予志工管理者高度支持與授權,以期使志工管理者在業務推動能更為順暢。 七、 建議志願服務運用單位應凝聚員工參與志願服務的共識,透過分工合作機制擴大員工的參與,營造組織團隊共同經營志願服務工作的氣氛。


One of the important foundations in enhancing the voluntary social services is the management of the volunteers. To better understand the management skills and professional value needed for a volunteer administrator, we collect questionnaire surveys and supplement with in-depth interviews of volunteer administrators, official administrators of voluntary social services, and leaders of social work volunteers. From the data analysis of 131 valid questionnaire surveys and 5 copies of interview data, we obtain the following findings. 1. The management skills needed for a volunteer administrator include realizing the organization missions and delegating authority to volunteers through leadership, budget planning that takes account of the volunteers’ opinions, management skills that carry out fair evaluation and rewarding for volunteers and appropriate orientation for new volunteers, personal skills that set up open communication channels and encourage collaboration of volunteers, and professional commitments to execute a reputable project. 2. On the aspects of professional value, a volunteer administrator needs to respect personal privacy and data confidentiality, to further pursuit professional knowledge, to pay attention to friendly human interaction, to make fair and objective judgments, to enhance trust by communicating frankly and sincerely, and to resolve conflicts effectively. Based on our research, we make the following suggestions. 1. Students should be encouraged for voluntary. By taking volunteer social service related courses in school and participating social service, students can gain practical experiences. 2. Government organization can help in classifying volunteer groups, and in providing training programs for volunteer administrators. The training programs can be provided by both academia and experienced social workers; through the understanding of social work theories and hands-on experiences, the quality of voluntary social services can be enhanced. 3. A communication and learning platform can be set up to provide a multi-facet learning channel for volunteer administrators. 4. A volunteer administrator should be a senior social worker or administrator. If this is not the case, the fresh manager should be supervised, and receive appropriate training and timely assistance. 5. Give more incentives and opportunities for the training programs to organizations that work with social work volunteers. For example, part-time workers can be hired as a replacement for people receiving the training. 6. A social worker manager should be given more authorization in manpower and budget planning, and in social service policy decision. 7. Organizations that work with voluntary social workers should encourage their workers collaborate with the volunteers.




