  • 學位論文


The Role of Breeds Protection in Cross-Strait Floral Industry

指導教授 : 駱世民


植物有其原生地,種源是植物的珍寶,植物獵人出現,為了奪取植物資源種子戰爭悄悄的進行著。十九世紀,遺傳學、基因學的生命複製之謎被解開,育種家始創造出與原始花卉不同的樣貌的植物,植物品種從公共財產變成有專屬權,而野花搖身一變成為市場要價取得的商品,為了保護育種家的權利,於是有植物品種保護的誕生。 目前世界各國沒有統一的植物品種保護。許多已開發和開發中國家如美國、日本、澳洲、韓國及台灣等,是以全面性植物專利與品種權來保護植物品種;大部分國家如歐盟國家、智利等則是採取限制性開放植物專利與品種權保護;而部分開發中國家如印度、沙烏地阿拉伯、烏拉圭、印尼、泰國、巴西、哥倫比亞、秘魯、巴拿馬及中國等則認為以特別的立法保護植物品種已足夠,因此不開放植物專利保護;落後國家由於其人民多數以農耕為生,仍將植物資源視為公共所有,而不予保護。植物新品種是花卉產業重要的創新產品,因此品種權對育種家與育種公司非常重要,但植物本身有自繁的能力,當歐美的百年育種公司要將品種權導入中國新興的花卉產業中時,如何執行品種權? 本論文從花卉產業的價值鏈,分析植物品種保護與各個角色的關係,再根據兩岸花卉廠商的經驗,探討品種權為花卉產業趨勢的印證,接續分析探討育種公司與代理公司品種權的執行方式及策略。本論文經過正反合的辨證過程,在研究中發現,使花卉栽培者無法落實品種權的關鍵是市場與生產效益評估方式所造成;而在沒有植物品種保護與植物專利法的保護下,商標權的運用配合其他的機制,似已成為育種公司的另種保護策略。


Every plant has its own birthplace and the seed is like the gem in the crown. Seed hunters emerge and the battle for the precious plant resources pervades without making a noise. In nineteenth century, as the secret of life duplication was unveiled by scientists in genetics and genomics, plant breeders started to grow plants different from their original strain, thus turning the plant breeds from public property into private belongings. The previous unnoticed wild species suddenly became the coveted targets. To protect the breeders’ rights, the concept of breed protection arose. At present stage, there is no consistent international standard for breed protectionism. Many developed and developing countries such as the U.S.A., Japan, Australia, Korea, and Taiwan practice in a comprehensive scope to protect plant patents and breeders’ rights. Meanwhile, most EU countries and Chile take an open approach to a limited extent. Other developing countries such as India, Saudi Arabia, Uruguay, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Panama, and China tend to only set up special laws to protect the breeds. As the majority population still lives on farming, the under-developing countries still regard plants as public property and don’t effort to protect the rights. Breeding is a weighty innovation in floral industry. Breed patents are significant possessions for both breeders and breeding companies. Nevertheless, as plants propagate themselves by seeds, how would western breeding companies with long history exercise their rights upon introducing their products into China market? This thesis elaborates from the value chains in floral industry and analyzes the inter-relations from various perspectives. We further base on Cross-Strait experiences and conclude that breed patent is the general trend in this industry. Then we explore the breeding patent execution patterns and strategies of both breeding companies and their agents. The thesis uses synthesis dialectics methodology to demonstrate that the failure for the breeders to exercise patents is due to the evaluation mechanism for production and marketing. Without the protection of breed patents, trademark, along with other feasible mechanisms, appears to be an alternative strategy for breeding companies


一、 中文部分
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