  • 學位論文


A Study of Religious Belief Influencing Pathological Gamblers’ Recovery in Singapore

指導教授 : 蕭文


論文摘要 本研究主旨在探討新加坡病態賭徒沉迷賭博的因素;他們的困擾與如何應對難題以及宗教信仰對他們的戒賭歷程的影響和介入意義何在。本研究採用質性研究之深度訪談法來收集資料,共訪談3位前病態賭徒,訪談後針對所得的資料進行分析,對未來提出建議。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、新加坡病態賭徒沉迷賭博的因素主要有六方面,亦即:1、慾望的滿足;2、環境的影響;3、內在的信念;4、文化與娛樂活動;5、社會環境因素;6、個人特質。 二、病態賭徒面臨的困擾包括有「債臺高筑」、「引發家庭問題」、「情緒低落」、有自殺傾向」、「觸犯刑事罪」、「人格偏差」、「工作有危機」。病態賭徒應對難題的方法也歸納出他們都會「借貸、騙和偷」、「以死威脅」、「逃避債主」、「打工還債」、「再賭一把」、「尋求靈性或迷信的協助」。 三、宗教信仰對病態賭徒戒賭歷程的影響與介入意義分別有:1、賭徒會領受心靈的力量;2、他們的信念會改變;3、改善與家人的關係;4、獲得人際的支持。賭徒參與信仰治療也會得到:1、 小組成員以愛的扶持和鼓勵;2、賭徒的家人得到教育如何正確面對賭徒;3、賭徒也學習互助自強;4、做義工自我治療;5、接受一生的改造。最後病態賭徒本身也參與支援夥伴聯絡網成為 “同路人”彼此之間的扶持者。 研究者根據上述研究結果加以討論,并依據此結果提供若干建議以作為病態賭徒、專業助人工作者以及未來研究者的參考依據。


ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to explore the factors that lead to addiction in gambling for Singapore pathological gamblers, to find what their perplexities are, the way they deal with problems, how religious belief can affect gamblers’ treatment for recovery, and the meanings of treatment involving religious belief. This research uses an in-depth interview method of qualitative examination to collect information. The interviews involve three pathological gamblers. Based on analysis of the interviews, further proposals are then brought forward. Main findings of this research are: •6 key factors lead to addiction in gambling for Singaporean pathological gamblers, which are: desire satisfaction, external influence, inner conviction, assumed cultural and entertainment activity, social environment and personal character. •Pathological gamblers’ perplexity includes: heavy debt, causing family issues, depression, suicide behavior, violation to criminal charges, personality split, and work crisis. Their ways to deal with problems are generalized as: borrowing money, cheating and stealing, death threatening, escaping from creditors, waging for debt, continuous gambling, and seeking spiritual or superstitious assistance. •The influence and meanings of religious belief involved in treatment for pathological gamblers can provide: in-depth spiritual awareness, changes in his way of thinking, improvement in family relationship, and social support from others. Gamblers who practice religious belief treatment will find: loving support and encouragement from group, leads to educating the gambler’s families cope with problems, learning experience of mutual help and self support, voluntary work for self treatment, and life time transformation. Eventually, gamblers may join in a partnership network for follower gamblers and become supporters of each other. As study research findings will be discussed, and some suggestions and recommendations will be share with others including pathological gamblers, professional social workers, and future researchers for their reference.


