  • 學位論文


The Development and the Trade Transformation in Wu-chi during Qing Dynasty to Japanese Colonial Period.

指導教授 : 林玉茹


本文嘗試建構清代至日治時期梧棲「港街」的發展實態、市場圈、貿易網絡以及商人活動變化之歷史圖像,進而解析傳統港街在政權鼎革下如何變化之課題。 位於清水海岸平原的梧棲地區,其開發過程深受氣候、地形與水文等自然環境影響。清代以來,該地的發展模式由鄰近大肚山麓的東邊近山地區街市逐漸向西邊的梧棲港街近海地區拓展。港口的機能,由最初的漁業成熟到輸出米穀。在道光年間,以中部地區米穀市場竄起的梧棲港街發展形成,梧棲港更因躍升國際樟腦走私港而聲名大噪。 開港時期的梧棲港由私口變為小口,港口機能、港街地位進一步的提昇,貿易活動亦達到新一波高峰。在島外貿易網絡上,傳統兩岸貿易遍及廈門、獺窟、按頭、祥芝、鷺江和汕頭等,在泉州等地具有一定的聲譽與商業地位;樟腦貿易也透過洋行逐漸擴張至香港乃至於全世界。在島內市場圈上,梧棲港街的市場圈幾乎涵蓋中部地區已至全島。梧棲港街的商業特質極其濃厚,港街人民的經濟生活大半皆是仰賴港口貿易活動,梧棲商人活動的影響力甚至拓展至泉州和彰化縣城等地方,其中郊商家族仰賴於貿易活動而逐漸累積財富,成為舉足輕重的地方菁英。 進入日本殖民統治時期的梧棲港街,在1908年縱貫鐵路全線完成前,臺灣的物資溝通仍然甚為仰賴水運,其兩岸貿易網絡和島內市場圈並未遭受太大的限制和影響。至於縱貫線通車後,梧棲港街也可明顯感受到經歷一次「空間革命」,梧棲港街的商業貿易失去了米穀集散、輸出港的重要地位。就新高港規劃建設時期而論,1930年代日本政府積極發展臺灣工業化之際,興築中部第一大港與市鎮的計畫被提出,梧棲港街商民積極投入新高港之築港請願運動,可見國家力量的始終左右港街社會的整體發展;但是,在1940年代之際,隨著日本政府在東南亞戰線的過度擴張,增添龐大的軍事經費,連帶地也使得新高港缺乏國家建設經費而停廢。 最後,特別輸出入港時期的商人活動與貿易模式仍然延續清末的情況,但是,隨著日本政府推動樟腦販售株式會社化、地方自治制度的改正以及信用組合的成立,皆改變傳統港街商人貿易活動的模式。在築港時期的港街商人活動則是轉向於投入新式工業之中,由下魚寮庄的戶口簿中可以看見許多筏夫、挑夫轉行成漁夫的現象,亦已說明傳統港街貿易結構與職業分佈變遷的具體面貌。


With reference to past research and new sources, this paper attempts to discuss the commercial development of Wu-Chi port and its street from an economic perspective.Since the Ch'ing Dynasty, Wu-Chi has developed from the foothills of Mt. Dadu in the east and then expanded to Wu-Chi Port in the west. The port was originally a fishery port, but with the economic development, Wu-chi was enhanced to serve the central rice market in the middle of Taiwan. However, the port also became a smuggling port, notorious for smuggling camphor. During the period of the port’s opening, the trade activities in Wu-Chi port reached a peak. The port evolved from an illegal port into a small trading port, and its function and status was greatly enhanced. In the off-island trade networks, Wu-chi port market spheres were created throughout Xia-men, Taku, An-tou, Xang-zhi, Lu-jiang, Shan-tou, Quanzhou, and Hong Kong through the sale of camphor and through foreign trading companies. On the contrary, in the in-island market, the market spheres of Wu-Chi Port Street covered almost the entire central region and the island. Most of the residents relied on the port trade activity for their livelihood. The merchant in Wu-Chi has great influence on Chang-Hua County and even to Quanzhou. The Guild Merchant families depended on trade activities, gradually accumulated their wealth, and became the significant local elites. During the Japanese colonial period, transportation in Taiwan was dependent on over-water shipping. Thus, Wu-chi port was able to maintain its status in the Cross-strait trade and in-land trade. However, since the completion of Taiwan’s North-South Railway in 1908, Wu-chi Port experienced a spatial revolution and lost its advantage. In the 1930s, residents of the port presented a petition called the Nitaka Port Construction plan in order to re-establish Wu-chi port. However, the plan was stopped by the war in the 1940s. The merchant activities and trade mode were of the traditional style during the Ch’ing Dynasty. However, with the promotion of camphor corporatization, improvement of self-government and the establishment of the credit system, the commercial module changed. According to village Siayuliao Yuliao residence booklet, many rafters and porters became fishermen during this time. This indicates the trade structure of the traditional port street and the change in occupation with economic change.


(荷)冉福立(Kees Zandvliet)著,江樹生譯,《十七世紀荷蘭人繪製的臺灣老地圖》,臺北:漢聲出版社,1997。


