  • 學位論文


The Research on the Development of Adult Foster Care in Aboriginal Tribe: A Case Study of Renai Township, Nantou County

指導教授 : 吳明烈


中文摘要 本研究旨在了解原住民部落家庭托顧服務之發展。主要研究目的包括:了解原住民對家庭托顧服務的覺知情形、分析家庭托顧服務對原住民部落的影響、探究原住民部落家庭托顧服務發展的困境與因應、提出未來推動原住民部落家庭托顧服務的有效策略與方法。 研究者採取立意取樣的方式,共邀請了九位與原住民部落家庭托顧服務有關的受訪者,並使用質性研究之半結構化的深度訪談來蒐集資料,研究結論如下: 一、原住民開始覺知家庭托顧能解決部落照顧資源缺乏的問題,這樣的服務也能融入傳統文化和生活習慣,沒有適應上的困擾,深獲部落居民高度的認同。 二、家庭托顧服務的影響,在個人層面,強化了照顧需求者的支持系統;在家庭層面,帶來家戶收入及安定感的提升;在部落層面,因為就業的機會與意願增加,使外移的青壯人口減少、老年人口比例降低,部落能永續發展。 三、原住民部落家庭托顧服務的發展有五大困境:服務供給面缺乏足夠的誘因和保障、不必要的法令限制和門檻、無法吸引新的人力資源投入、多數原住民無法負擔照顧費用、未考慮原鄉的特性而造成發展限制。 四、為解決部落家庭托顧服務的困境,因應之道包括:增加對托顧家庭的獎勵、降低托顧家庭的設置標準、提供方便的職業訓練及就業輔導、專案補助原住民使用家托服務、正確反映原住民的照顧需求。 五、未來家庭托顧服務要能穩固而壯大的發展,必須讓服務在部落紮根、在遍地開花。建構既深且廣、可長可久的部落家庭托顧服務體系,這才是最佳的策略與方法。


Abstract The purpose of this research is to understand the development of Adult Foster Care in aboriginal tribe. This research adopts the in-depth interview methods of the qualitative research. Nine participants are invited to interview their experience of Adult Foster Care. The researchable information is collected through depth interviews by researcher. The findings are as follows: 1. The aboriginal tribe awareness of Adult Foster Care:It recognized by the aboriginal people and also build up the awareness of the long-term care resources. If the successful experience can be copied and transfer by the government rapidly. It will be a significant benefit to promote long-term care insurance in the future. 2. The impact of Adult Foster Care to the aboriginal individuals, families and tribes:It was a big change in the health, economic, cultural and many other aspects. The aboriginal tribe became stability and improvement. It is increase in local employment opportunities and reducing the emigration of the young people. The population aging can lead to a reduction also. In the future, we can see more and more aboriginal young people willing to stay in the tribe. 3. There are five difficulties of Adult Foster Care in the aboriginal tribe:lack of adequate incentives and protection, lots of legal restrictions and barriers, could not to attract human resources, the most residents could not afford the fees, ignore the background of aboriginal tribe. 4. The solutions of Adult Foster Care in the aboriginal tribe:increasing incentives, lowering the threshold set, improving vocational training and employment counseling, providing special allowance, reflecting the care needs accurately. 5. The strategies and methods of Adult Foster Care in the aboriginal tribe:The Government should abandon the metropolitan point of view and respect the autonomy of the aboriginal people that is the key of the stainable development of the aboriginal tribe.


