  • 學位論文

非營利組織參與地方節慶活動角色之研究 --- 以臺中市高鐵文化觀光發展協會與 臺中市烏日志工服務協會 為例

The non-profit organization participates in the research of festival movable role in the place -- In Taichung HSR Culture and Tour Association Volunteer Service Association ,Taichung City Wurih case study

指導教授 : 林吉郎


在競爭激烈的年代,工商繁忙的社會,人情淡薄已成自然現象,在臺灣,由於社會的轉型,人與人之間的情感必須利用有效率的時間去聯誼,建立親情、友情和愛情,而利用地方節慶活動舉辦的時間,正是非常好的方法•國內節慶活動,尤其選舉年,更顯得猶如雨後春筍般的出現,但是在資源有限性及新鮮感會失去的慣性定律下,光靠地方自然資源與政府施政設施來發展是不夠的,應在各項節慶活動之中注入更多資源,例如非營利組織 地區社團等,這些人員都是可以提供很多新的內涵,例如:利用節慶活動可以發展地方觀光型態、提供休閒遊戲、協助政府做好地方治理工作,以及幫助地方做好派系和諧工作,提昇地區居民生活品質等• 本研究以非營利組織參與地方節慶活動角色的方向規劃,在文獻的回顧資料整理出地方發展觀光文化等多項構面,做為本研究非營利組織角色內涵之因之,由上述構面來探討活動目標之間的關係,進行檢視其目標之達成與否•本研究針對實際上參加地方節慶活動之人員 社團幹部 地方官員等,進行深度訪談與問卷調查兩項,共深度訪談9位資深社團領導人及地方官員, 問卷調查共發出50份之問卷,回收26份•本研究針對回收之有效問卷,利用統計方法來分析其所要之結果• 本研究顯示以下幾項結果: (1) 非營利組織對地方節慶文化活動績效,從對經濟提升 生活品質 地方形象 教育品質 以及居民愉樂等,都是呈現正面的支持與鼓勵,而樂於參加組織參與活動• (2) 非營利組織對地方節慶活動之參與,對於公務人員 農民 工人 生活水平是正向的提高,而對商業 服務業之業績也是提高的,但對於學生族群是否有影響,是可以在下次研究調查的• (3) 非營利組織對地方節慶活動與地方治理之參與個人觀感,1 是中央政府對居民需求協助是得到生活更安定, 2 地方政府對居民需要協助是要環境變好• (4) 一致認為非營利組織對地方節慶活動的參與是贊成的,而贊成參與的期望是能夠生活環境改變更好• (5) 研究結果有80%的受訪人員,都是認為參與節慶活動中,無得到任何實質利益• (6) 研究結果有80%的社團負責人認為政府人員是不重視地方『非營利組織』•


In today’s competitive world, a feeling of apathy and indifference has pervaded Taiwanese society. During the societal transformation, it appears urgent and even imperative to establish rapport among friends, relatives, and family members in a more efficient way. Local festivals are increasingly being used for the purpose, especially in an election year. However, the development and maintenance of these festivals cannot simply rely on local governments given that resources are limited and that novelty value could wear off. More support is expected to come from non-profit organizations and community clubs, in that their members, mostly knowledgeable about local conditions, are very likely to help enhance these festivals by providing recreational activities, assisting local government officials, mediating between local factions, thereby promoting regional tourism and living quality of local residents. The present study aims to explore the role of non-profits in local festivals. Based on a review of empirical literature on the various aspects of regional tourism, this study probes into the connection between different goals of local festivals and assesses the goal attainment. The subjects of this study were actual participants in local festivals, including community club members and local government officials. They were engaged in a questionnaire survey, through which valid feedback was collected from 26 out of 50 respondents. Retrospective interviews were also administered to 9 senior club leaders and local government officials. Statistical analysis was performed to examine the collected data. The primary findings of this study are as follows. 1) The support from non-profits to local festivals was considered constructive and encouraging, especially in boosting regional economy, local image, education and living quality, as well as resident happiness. 2) The active participation of non-profits in local festivals was believed to contribute greatly to the sales performance in the service industry, as well as to the living standard of not only government officials but the farming and working populations. Its impact on students, however, remains unknown and requires further investigation. 3) Personal perception was positively related to the participation of non-profits in local festivals and governance-they believed that the central government met resident needs to build a stable life and that local governments were intended to maximize living quality if so doing. 4) The participation of non-profits in local festivals was widely accepted by the subjects, projecting great expectations to improve living conditions. 5) 80 percent of the respondents disagreed that festival participants received any substantial benefit in return. 6) 80 percent of the club leaders reported that government officials showed no concern about local non-profits.


王文科(1990) 《教育研究法》,台北:五南圖書公司。


