  • 學位論文


A Study of Residential Interiors' Spatial Images

指導教授 : 張謙允


摘要 對於消費者而言,空間設計即是找一位室內設計工作者來設計一個屬於自己或家庭的居住空間。一般消費者在希望能創造出與眾不同的造型之際,往往忽略了居住空間最基本的生理、及心理層面需求。本研究試圖達成室內設計工作者對於居家空間意象認知與傳達,使其更趨近於使用者的需求。其目的包括:掌握消費者之居家空間意象語意形容詞和空間意象偏好,以及居家空間之實質、非實質(屬性)特徵和意象差異。 本研究使用多元尺度評量,分析室內設計工作者與空間的消費者,居家空間設計二向度的認知空間架構「絢爛寬敞」→「平實簡潔」和「新潮前衛」→「保守古樸」,並分析六種族群1.性別2.年齡層3.教育程度4.職業5.個人收入及6.室內設計專業背景等各個層級之差異性。 本研究結果發現,在.性別上,男女對於空間意象較無明顯差異。至於年齡層的區分,本研究結果發現在51歲以上的受測者,對於空間意象則有較明顯的改變,且隨著教育程度的提高,對於空間意象有其漸進式看法。就職業的分類而言,家庭主婦顯然和其它職業類別有很大的差異。當考慮個人收入狀況時,本研究發現在每個月收入在30,000元以下者,有其所獨特偏好的空間。至於具室內設計專業背景者,對於空間意象的偏好也有其明顯的差異。 期望本研究的結果,能給室內設計工作者參考的價值與空間的消費者一些問題的解決。


ABSTRACT For general consumers, residential interior space designing means looking for a suitable interior designer to design the living space those consumers think belongs to themselves or to their families. While consumers are constructing their dream homes, they tend to ignore the basic physical and psychological needs for their daily living space. The study explores interior designers’ cognition of residential space images and their way to communicate with customers. By so doing, designers can gain a better understanding of their customers’ residential space images and can further meet the particular expectations of their customers. The study also subsumes customers’ description and illustration of residential space images as well as their preferences and differences in residential space images. The study employs PC-MDS to analyze the space cognition framework of interior designers and customers: from “spacious and splendid” to “simple and plain” as well as from “daring and innovative” to “traditional and antique”. In addition, the study comprises six groups of interviewees characterized by: (1) sex, (2) age, (3) education, (4) occupation, (5) income, and (6) professional interior design workers. The research findings suggest that there is no remarkable disparity between the sexes. However, it indicates that there is a noticeable change in their residential space images for people at age over 51. The findings also notice that customers’ residential space images progressively coincide with their educational background. When considering occupations, a striking disparity between housewives and people with other occupations is found. The research results also indicate that people with their monthly incomes below NT$30,000 have particular preference for images. Finally, the study concludes that there is a remarkable disparity in images among professional interior design workers. It is hoped that the study will provide interior designers with solutions worthy of consideration to the questions they are likely to face. It is hoped that the study will provide interior designers with solutions worthy of consideration to the questions they are likely to face.


邱莉慧(2002),創造品味機能有型舒適的居家風情-客廳規劃書(Living Room Design),城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
邱莉慧(2002),品味美食空間(Appetizing Party Zone),城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
邱莉慧(2002),普羅旺斯風格居家(Living in Provencal Style),城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
邱莉慧(2002),地中海風格居家(Living in Mediterranean Style),城邦文化事業股份有限公司。


