  • 學位論文


A Study of Chinese Dyslexia and Magno Hypothesis

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑


摘 要 本研究要探討中文閱讀障礙的閱讀行為困難是否和巨細胞系統的處理異常有關,及巨細胞異常閱讀障礙在中文閱讀困難的現象為何。本研究設計三個實驗來檢驗閱讀障礙的巨細胞異常假說存在的可能性,並且試著從作業的表現將可能有巨細胞異常的受試者分類出來。實驗一是要複製巨細胞異常的文獻,探討中文閱讀障礙是否對於運動的偵測和正常組有相異之處。以「定值刺激法」設計空間頻率、時間頻率以及對比程度的光柵組合,以國小學童經年齡配對的閱讀障礙組和正常受試者,呈現閃爍的光柵,要求兩組受試者對目標光柵做方位(orientation)的判斷。預期兩組在低空間頻率的光柵及高時間頻率的光柵有顯著的差異。實驗結果顯示閱障組在偵測高時間頻率光柵的表現比正常組差,表示閱障組對於巨細胞系統的特性反應不敏感,和文獻的結果一致,閱障組和正常組的確存在不同的巨細胞系統處理。實驗二則要討論巨細胞系統有缺陷者的中文閱讀會有何現象。本實驗是依Terepocki等人的研究概念,將「吟」經過部件轉換後成為「含」,配對後成「吟 含」,此為真字水準。「吟」再與假字配對,也就是「央v和「式v兩個部件位置置換,而成為「吟 C」,則為假字水準。再加入由心像旋轉(mental rotation)而成的鏡像字和上下顛倒字,成為「吟 A」和「吟 B」的配對,得到四種刺激。實驗預測閱讀障礙組對於文字的認知有困難,判斷真字和假字的正確率比正常組低,但鏡像字和上下顛倒字的水準需要視覺處理,與巨細胞系統的處理有關,則閱障組某些受試者可能在這兩個水準的表現很差,但另外的受試者則無差異。實驗結果與假設符合。而實驗二B以圖形為刺激,驗證兩組受試者在圖像式心像旋轉能力沒有差異。巨細胞的另一個重要反應特性,就是偏好時間變換快的運動。實驗三操弄筆順作為動態的語言訊息,讓受試者做筆畫方向的反應,來檢驗閱讀障礙者在動態訊息上是否與對照組有所不同。實驗預測:第一種假設,在文獻中曾證明閱讀障礙組對於運動能力的判斷有別於正常組。若巨細胞異常缺陷造成的運動偵測不敏感,則巨細胞異常閱讀障礙組在符合筆順方向中的反應最少。第二種假設,Talcott等人(2000)發現,當閱讀障礙組和正常組偵測隨機亂數點的運動方向時,閱障組的偵測差。但若增加了亂數點的數量,則會提高運動偵測的表現。原因可能是增加刺激的數量後,在視覺皮質區外的細胞增加更多有效的運動訊息的空間總和,而一起對某些特殊運動的方向產生神經反應。實驗結果支持Talcott等人的看法,顯示給予巨細胞異常的閱讀障礙受試者更多的運動訊息,則表現提高。本研究的結果支持了閱讀障礙的巨細胞異常假說。


Abstract This study was to investigate Chinese dyslexia under the Mango Deficit Hypothesis. Three experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, normal and dyslexic children were asked to detect the orientation of gratings with different spatial and temporal frequencies, contrasts and orientations. The overall performance of dyslexics was significantly worse than the control. This supports the idea that dyslexics have difficulty on motion detection as stated in the literature. Experiment 2 was a Chinese perception task. One feature of Chinese character is that some radicals can appear in different locations in a character. For example, radicals仟nd 圭an form吟and含. Four types of stimuli were used in this experiment: real character (吟and含), pseudo-character (吟andC), mirror image of character (吟andA) , and reversal character (吟andB). Subjects were to decide whether the two stimuli in a pair were the same after mental rotation. The result from 2A showed four dyslexics with mango deficit yielded significantly lower accuracy than control in all four conditions. The other dyslexics performed poorly only in real character and pseudo-character conditions. A pure mental rotation experiment was also conducted (2B) to rule out the difference found in 2A was actually due to non-linguistic related ability. A “dynamic detection” task conducted in experiment 3 because motion detection is one critical feature of Magno system. Chinese characters were shown one stroke at a time. There were four independent variables: direction of strokes (correct writing order and randomly), latency of the strokes (70 ms and 470 ms), characters (simple or complex characters) and groups (dyslexics with mango deficit, dyslexics general and control). Subjects were to decide the direction of the target stroke (printed in red). Although the number of correct strokes response of three groups were not significantly different, in the level of complex character, dyslexics with mango deficit answered more than the other groups, but less in the level of simple character than the others. We therefore concluded Magno Deficit Hypothesis was supported.


dyslexia Magno deficit hypothesis stroke radical


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