  • 學位論文

建構ISO/IEEE 11073協定之遠距照護系統

Building a Home Care System with the ISO/IEEE 11073 Standard

指導教授 : 蔡育秀


在現今社會中,隨著人們越來越注重疾病的防制,市面上充斥著各式居家照護系統。而各式不同的生理資訊量測儀器及居家照護系統,並無一統一的介面及資料格式,造成醫護人院在閱讀、整合資料的不便。因此本研究採用ISO/IEEE 11073 Point of Care Medical Device Communication Standards的系列標準來應用到居家照護系統中。 本研究完成一符合ISO/IEEE 11073的居家照護系統,透過電腦或是Android手機執行ISO/IEEE 11073 Gateway程式來連結居家照顧用的醫療儀器。利用網路來傳輸符合ISO/IEEE 11073格式的醫療量測資料,並將其儲存至資料庫中,以利醫護人員進行後續的資料判讀及其他格式的轉換。透過網路封包的擷取,證實本系統所產生的資料符合ISO/IEEE 11073的格式。


As the preventive medication getting more and more important, people concern about disease control and efficiency therapy. There are varieties of homecare systems for different purposes. However, being lack of a unified standard made each homecare system company to develop their own data format. Multiple formats complicate the integration of data and disturb the interpretation of health-care providers. In order to solve these problems, this study developed a home care system that using ISO/IEEE 11073 Point of Care Medical Device Communication Standards as the data protocol to link different vital sign acquisition devices. The system utilized a PC or smart phone with Android OS to perform the functions of ISO/IEEE 11073 Gateway and to link various homecare devices. The system also serves as a hub to transfer the measured data to backend server via network. On the medical service provider side, the stored physical data can be converted other medical informatics standards, such as the HL-7 and DICOM, for further data interpretation. The data format and protocol verification and validation is performed by data packet checking on the same system.


Telemedicine home care ISO/IEEE 11073


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劉彥東(2013)。以 ZigBee 無線感測網路建構之 ISO/IEEE 11073 醫療裝置傳輸標準〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201300979
