  • 學位論文


Website Design for Bade Eco-Park

指導教授 : 張振明


早期桃園先民為發展農田水利而開鑿出之灌溉調節設施,桃園台地上星羅密布之數千口埤塘形成極具特色的景觀,使桃園有「千塘之鄉」之地景特色美譽,綿密分佈的埤圳是桃園縣固有的獨特文化,也是桃園重要的觀光與生態資源。近年來世界各國都對生態觀光旅遊市場頗具重視,其市場之潮流趨勢造就了生態觀光旅遊盛行風潮,因此在擴展推廣桃園八德觀光旅遊魅力以及增進觀光旅遊經濟效益的雙項目標中,觀光旅遊資訊的擷取將是傳播媒介重要來源之一,而網際網路傳播媒介中的「網站」將扮演重要的資訊互動橋樑角色。 本研究藉由運用網際網路結合網站互動與多媒體的特性,為八德埤塘生態公園設計一個專屬的生態觀光旅遊資訊網站。在研究創作設計過程中,使用文獻分析法,蒐集彙整八德、埤塘、生態觀光旅遊相關文獻以及網站視覺設計相關理論,並且探討生態觀光資訊網站相關文獻,分析其彼此之間相互關係與設計原則,並以此作為案例分析與網站創作之依據。 最後根據其案例分析研究結果,將「網站架構類型」、「觀光旅遊網站具備功能」、「網頁視覺構成要素」等三大類型整理歸納分析,並綜合同類型或相似的生態觀光旅遊資訊網站,將其分析該網站架構類型、功能導覽方式以及網頁設計視覺構成元素,並找出最具完善生態觀光旅遊資訊網站所需的整體構成元素和導覽架構,以進而規劃與創作,甚至作為未來設計之借鏡參考。


In order to develop an irrigation system for farming, the early ancestors in Taoyuan Plateau dug thousands of spleen-shaped farm ponds. Those ponds formed a very unique feature of the landscape and bring the famous name "the hometown of thousand ponds" to Taoyuan. The "tight-knit" distributed irrigation ponds all over the rural land not only made the unique characteristics of the culture, but also become an important tourist attraction. It is alsoan ecological resource of Taoyuan County. In the recent years, countries all over the world have begun to pay great attention to ecotourism market. It has created an eco-tourism prevalent trend. Therefore, the capture of the tourist information will be an important source of media for extended promoting for tourism charm of Taoyuan Bade and enhancing the economic benefits. “Website” in the internet will play a major interacting role. The creation of this project is to design a dedicated website of eco-tourism information for the "Ba-de Ponds Eco-Park" by use of the interactive web site and multimedia features. Throughout the process of the project, we study the literatures of Ba-de, farming ponds eco-tourism, and website designed theory. . We also analyze those relationship and design principles and regard it as the basis of case studies and website creation. Finally, based on the website structure, the website functionalities, and the website visual elements , we sum up the same type or the similar eco-tourism information website. Then we analyze the types of site structures, the content-navigation modes, and the web design elements of visual composition. We then identify one of the most comprehensive elements that construct the whole website and the navigation of ecological tourist information website. We can use this study to plan and create the further project, and even learn for the future design reference.


Bade Farm Pond Ecotourism Web design


