  • 學位論文


Exploring the Challenge in the Training and Development in the Training Social Enterprise

指導教授 : 丁姵元


從國內九二一地震浩劫之後,國內非營利組織面臨的政府財政福利資金縮減,加上民間的捐贈物資及資金短缺,迫使非營利組織自行尋求資金來源,而去學習企業經營的商業模式。另有部份創新的企業家認為企業除了營利目的也應有社會公益的使命,所以創立的社會企業。姑且不論,是非營利組織效法企業轉型,還是企業效法非營利組織貢獻公益,教育訓練都可協助任何組織處理面臨競爭性的困難及挑戰,也可創造競爭優勢來源之一,對於目前在草創期的社會企業更甚重要。本研究以社會企業為訪談對象,運用質化紮根理論,以深入訪談的方式去瞭解社會企業經營的概況,及教育訓練實務做法及面臨困難及挑戰,希望可以對相關單位提供看法或建議。 本研究經過質化研究方法的歸納分析後,發現社會企業教育訓練是需多層面考慮,如單從由社會企業內部教育訓練執行的概況及需求去做探究,並不能發現社會企業教育訓練的全貌,所以需考慮外部環境對社會企業教育訓練的影響,才能完整探索出社會企業教育訓練面臨的困難及挑戰。外部的環境分析社會企業外部環境由「產業、法令、教育」三個方面分別交互影響社會企業的發展。因目前社會企業尚無政策及法規的定義,也無專責訓練單位,去推廣社會企業的概念或培育社會企業相關的人才,造成大眾及消費者對社會企業的偏見認知。多數人認為社會企業屬於公益企業在產品或技術銷售上應要低價,或是給予社會企業同情的購買行為..等外在步利的因素,都會阻礙社會企業的發展,所以對大眾及消費者加強對社會企業概念及關心議題推廣教育,是社會企業教育訓練規劃需重視之處。 社會企業內部環境由「組織、人員、職能」三個方面。針對職能的部份,研究中彙整出社會企業工作上所需的知識、技能、能力、其它特質,內容分別為歸納分析出「組織認同、助人技巧、專業技能」的三項核心職能,做為社會企業的工作者需具備的職務能力要件。而社會企業在教育訓練面臨最大挑戰在於,如何讓社會公益與企業營利兩者之間,尋求之間最佳的連結融合及平衡。


社會企業 教育訓練


After the great havoc caused by 921 earthquake domestic non-profit organizations are confronted with diminished government’s financial welfare fund. Shortage of private donations and capitals force them to seek new financial resources and try to learn from business model of enterprises In addition to the purpose of profit-making, some innovative entrepreneurs argue that enterprises should also assume the responsibilities of public welfare, so they set up social enterprises. No matter the business which have been transformed from non-profit organization or the enterprise modeling itself on a non-profit organization for public welfare, educational training can assist these organizations in order to face difficulties and challenges. Sometime, training can even create competitive advantages, especially at its initial period. This research aim to explore the challenges and difficulties encountered in the social enterprise. Some managers at social enterprises have been interviewed. Grounded theory have been used as research methodology. It is hoped that the research result can be helpful for those in the related area. Through inductive analysis of qualitative research method, it is found that education and training of social enterprises have to be considered from multilevel viewpoints. The environment faced by the social enterprises is as important as the internal challenges in education and training. Therefore, influences from the external environment will also be included in the result, since it has also affect the educational and training of social enterprise. In the area of external environment, the result include three aspects-industry, law and education. They all have interactive influences on the development of social enterprises. Moreover, as there are no definitions of social enterprises in the government policy, laws and regulations, there is also no specialized training institute to promote the concept of social enterprise or train the professionals. In addition, the research also demonstrates that there are also some prejudice from the public and consumers toward social enterprises. Many people believe that social enterprises can only charge for lower price for their products or technology. Also, some people regard their purchase of the products as a way to show their sympathy. All of these cognition from the public are regarded as obstacles and challenges in training by the social enterpriser. . As result, more training and education are needed to promote the concept social enterprise to the public and consumers As for the internal environment of education and training faced by the social enterpriser include three aspects “organization, people and competency”. The research result sums up the required knowledge, skills, abilities and the characteristics. In term of the competency, organization commitment, helping skills and professional skills included as the required skills by social enterprisers. And finally, the biggest challenge faced by the social enterprisers is the is how to make optimal integration and balance between public welfare and profit-making of the enterprises.


