  • 學位論文


Research on Applying NFC to the Mobile Device Management System for Army Camps

指導教授 : 李國誠


行動裝置大量部署與應用於軍事,已是不可避免的潮流。然水能載舟亦能覆舟,國軍順應科技與時勢的發展,試行開放官兵於營內使用智慧型手機,為防杜資安漏洞及洩違密事件,目前僅訂定防制規定,與要求使用者自行關閉定位、拍照與雲端分享功能,各單位依其工作特性,律定出『使用時間』與『地點』,並要求所屬做好自律與自制工作,但沒有能力落實稽核這些智慧型手機有無按照規定完成設定,更無法即時管理,以至於出現外部訪客於營區內拍照打卡,洩露國家機敏資料等情事發生。 目前坊間的行動裝置管理系統,大都是為了讓使用者的行動裝置,可以連結公司內部的網路使用共同的資源,並且又要確保公司內部的資料不因此外洩,但是,國軍因為指揮作戰需求,必須保持網路獨立不受影響,因此,在營區中的行動裝置僅需限制其照相、錄音、定位與網路分享的功能,並且僅能在規定的地點與時間內使用,所以,為此本研究提出一個導入NFC技術的行動裝置管理系統框架,以提供未來在開發國軍專屬的行動裝置管理系統時的一個依據和方向。 本研究首先與執行層面進行需求訪談,了解在他們在管理與執行上的需求與問題,再透過半結構式訪談方式,與管理層面人員實施訪談,探討導入NFC的認證功能在智慧型手機管理機制的可行性與效用,進而提出一個適合國軍專用的行動裝置管理系統框架。 運用NFC近場通訊的快速認證技術,建立智慧型手機與人員資料庫,依照各營區的權限分級,使用近場通訊技術中的接觸與確認及接觸與連接,讓智慧型手機的功能可以快速開啟與關閉,使用者可以簡單的完成相關設定,管理人員可以更有效率執行智慧型手機的管理與查驗,並且,結合門禁管理系統,讓人員手持NFC手機進出入營區時,可以完成相關設定外,更能完成人員簽到程序。 最後,使用TAM科技接受模型進行量化分析,結果顯示一個簡單、好用可以幫助使用者提升工作效率的系統,是普遍為大家認同與接受的;透過本研究的結果,希望未來國軍在建置智慧型手機管理系統時,可以有一些參考的依據。


It is an unstoppable trend for military to use mobile devices. Taiwan military has advanced with times to allow smartphone use on post. The military direct users to obey smartphone regulations to prevent secrets leaks and loopholes of military computer network. However, the actual regulation only asks people to turn off their GPS, camera and cloud functions of smartphones on post, and units designate time and locations for smartphone use to maintain good discipline. No system exists to check all smartphones on post. If people break the rules, they usually get away with it easily. Some visitors even took pictures and tagged themselves online at restricted areas, which could be a breach on our national security. The analysis starts with interviewing military personnel at execution level to understand their needs and concerns while performing smartphone checks. A semi structured interview is followed for officers at the management level to discuss the feasibility and effectiveness of NFC applications. The purpose of the thesis is to set up a systematic framework suitable for Taiwan military’s smartphone management. NFC’s fast identity check technology can help building smartphone database, user information database, and authentication categories. When a soldier enters the gate with a smartphone, NFC’s “touch and confirm” and “touch and connect” functions can immediately turn on or off certain functions and the sign in procedure is done, so officers can manage smartphones more efficiently. This mobile device management (MDM) system can combine with access control system for sign in procedures and turning off required functions at the same time while soldiers going through gates. In this thesis, technology assessment model (TAM) is used for quantitative analysis. The conclusion shows a simple, user-friendly system can help people increase efficiency at work is well received. The result of this analysis will be provided for Taiwan military authorities to establish their MDM system.


洪政義(民99)。藍芽結合NFC 於門禁通行控管之安全評量。碩士論文。大同大學
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