  • 學位論文


The Study of Constructing Elderly Emergency Response Cloud 2.0

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


由於近年來台灣人口結構老化,因此產生高齡化社會問題日益受到重視。高齡化產生的社會問題:1.家屬外出工作無法照顧老年人口;2.失智老人走失問題;3.老人發生危險事故無所不在,當老人發生跌倒而無人協助下最嚴重可能會造成死亡。這些問題對應到過去研究發現個人緊急回應系統設計重點主要在硬體之整合,例如:整合血壓計與心電圖之功能串接智慧型手機,將其定時偵測的資料回傳,智慧型手機會判斷數值,根據數值判斷異常情形,則會執行緊急呼救程序。 然而,過去的研究皆是以個人緊急回應系統1.0 規範所設計,需要主動測量數據、缺乏行動性、無緊急通報按鈕、需要測量後才能回傳、只有單一種功能,如有跌倒偵測就沒有測量數據。因此,本研究以個人緊急回應系統2.0規範設計,並融入雲端運算中軟體即服務(Software as a Service, SaaS)概念提出老年人緊急回應雲2.0(Elderly Emergency Response Cloud 2.0, EERC 2.0),配合特殊規格手機EC7000,解決1.0架構中無法主動回傳、缺乏行動性與無緊急按鈕的問題。 因此本研究融入個人緊急回應系統2.0概念,具備傾斜感應器、緊急通報按鈕、具有方便攜帶性與定時回傳功能之裝置,方便攜帶性適合老人使用。由於老人隨時隨地都有可能發生危險,在個人緊急回應系統2.0概念中,定時回傳功能當不只是傳送日常測量數值,而要包含使用者完整的追蹤紀錄,其亦具備高度隱私性的網站供電話中心或是家屬人員查看,使用者目前位置與過往活動紀錄,並依照老人之生活習慣做出提醒。傳統伺服器使用固定數量的虛擬機或是實體機器,當裝置數量過多可能會造成,伺服器無法負荷造成服務中斷,因此本研究使用雲端運算架構,來避免資料量突然過大問題。 本研究將應用雲端運算中三種部署模式,撰寫的平台為軟體即服務(SaaS),部署於平台即服務(Platform as a Service, PaaS)中,架構於基礎設施即服務(Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS)上。基礎設施即服務(IaaS)使用Amazon EC2雲端服務,並設定自動擴展(Auto Scaling) 與負載平衡(Load Balancing)。由於Amazon EC2資料中心遍佈全世界,選定3個資料中心驗證效能,測試單台虛擬機反應時間與比較單台與雲端運算架構下虛擬機的連線反應時間,最後驗證雲端運算中自動擴展與負載平衡。驗證結果顯示使用雲端架構,在反應時間上更快與防止多人使用平台下會造成服務中斷問題。


Due to the aging of population in recent years in Taiwan, social issues arising from aging society have drawn increasing attention, such as (1) Family members cannot take care of the elderly due to work. (2) Elderly missing with dementia problems. (3) Elderly incidents are everywhere, when elderly falls without other people’s help, it could cause death in the worst case. Past studies showed that Personal Emergency Response System (“PERS”) focused mostly on the integration of hardware. For example, smart phones with Sphygmomanometer and Electrocardiography functions can determine the value and return it on a regular basis. Then Emergency Response will be executed in case of abnormal value. However, past studies are designed based on specification of Personal Emergency Response System(“PERS”)1.0, which requires active measurement, lacks mobility, without emergency button, has only single function, and the one with detect of falls would lacks function of data measurement. Therefore, this study is designed based on specification of PERS 2.0, with integration of Software as a Service(SaaS) in Cloud Computing; it presented Elderly Emergency Response 2.0. With special phone EC7000, it solves the problems of 1.0, such as lack of active response, mobility and no emergency button. Therefore, this study is integrated with the concept of PERS 2.0, with three-axis gyro, emergency buttons and device for returning value, which is elderly-friendly with its portability. Because elderly incidents are everywhere, PERS 2.0 not only focuses on daily value returning, but includes complete track record, and it also provides highly-private websites for the use of call centers and family members on user’s present site and past activities, and gives reminder according to elderly’s habits and customs. Traditional server using fixed number of virtual machines or physical machine could cause service interruption due to overload. Thus, this study will use cloud computing to prevent from sudden overload. It uses three deployment models of cloud computing, writing platform for SaaS, deployed on Platform as a Service (PaaS), and built on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). IaaS uses Amazon EC2, which set with Auto Scaling and Load Balancing. Because Amazon EC2 data centers throughout the world, select three data centers, and test single virtual machine to test the reaction time for verifying the performance and verify Auto Scaling and Load Balancing on cloud computing, finally compare the response time of single virtual platform and cloud computing machine. The result shows that under cloud computing architecture, it reduces response time, and also prevent from service interruption due to overload.


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