  • 學位論文


Application of“Form” and“Chi” Theories of “Feng-shui”to Planning of “Yang-zhai”

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


風水學隨著歷史文化演進,形成如形法、聚氣、理法等不同之理論,用于選擇陽宅基址,期使人能與自然環境共生、永續蕃衍,並達到天人合一之目的。但因流派甚多、判斷之角度各異,建築應用上常各持隅見、難以依循;且居住空間環境型態隨著時空推移改變甚多,環境中物理因子亦隨著科學進步多所發現;因此風水理論有必要再探討一適用現代時空環境的操作原則,以選擇好的形法空間與氣環境、滿足人與環境共生關係,並作為建築規劃操作風水時之參考。 本研究擬從既有風水文獻中擷取有關形法、空間概念、聚氣之理論,融合空間中存在之自然物理因子,並對比生態建築中有關健康、敷地概念,期能建構以形法空間與氣環境為內涵之風水操作原則;俾未來建築擇址規劃設計時以為運用。 本研究發現在選擇基址環境與宅內外空間規劃時,在形法操作上要擇龍穴空間、順應地形地勢、背山面水、聚水安全之基址;在氣環境要擇藏風聚氣、充分日照、迴風返氣、順應生氣循環之氣場;即要擇健康、省能源、生態循環共生、得水之形法空間氣場環境,以達環境、人、時、空統合共生、永續蕃衍之目標;最後並整理出風水操作架構與流程圖以為參考與應用。


風水 形法 聚氣 陽宅


As a result of historical and cultural evolution, different theoretical methods, such as “Form,” “Chi-gathering,” “E-Jing theory” and so on, emerged out of “Feng-shui.” They have been applied to selection of the base location of residences, villages and cities, as well as discernment of a space in its environment, so as to enable people to live in peace with their natural environment forever. The purpose of these theoretical methods is to maintain harmony between human beings and nature. There have been numerous factions, however, and each has operated from rather different perspectives. As a result, there has been a lack of universally accepted rules to follow in architectural applications because different factions have insisted on their own biased opinions. Moreover, the environment of residential space will change greatly with time and space, and new physical factors within the environment are being discovered as we progress in science. Consequently, it has become necessary to reexamine the “Feng-shui” theory for formulation of a more practical operational principle, for selection of a good “Form” space and a good “Chi” environment in order to maintain the coexistence relations between men and their environment. The new principle will serve as an important reference in architectural design and planning when “Feng-shui” is a concern. This study involves review of existing literature pertinent to the theories of “Form,” space concept, and “Chi-gathering.” It incorporates physical factors that exist in the natural environment with health, site-planning concepts of ecological buildings, in hopes that the endeavor would help establish an operational principle of Feng-Shui based on “Form” space and “Chi” environment for site selection of a building project. Findings of this study indicate that in choice of site and planning of the internal and external space of a residence, “Form” operation calls for selection of the dragon cave space, compliance with the topographical terrain, and picking of a location that faces the water, sits against the hills and stays clear of flooding. As far as the “Chi” environment is concerned, the site needs to situated in a place where it is hidden from the wind yet good for “Chi-gathering,” where there is abundant sunshine, returning wind and “Chi,” where it is aligned with ”Chi” circulation. In other words, we need to choose sites that are healthful, that uses natural energy and enjoys smooth ecological circulation and intergrowth which gets water space of “Form” as well as environment of “Chi,” so the environment, man, time and space can all stay in harmony perpetually. Finally, the Feng-Shui operation framework and flowchart are organized for reference and application.


Feng-shui Form Chi-gathering Yang-zhai


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