  • 學位論文


Material Flow Analysis and Sustainable Development of Rubber Resources in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張添晉


橡膠資源的使用與經濟發展有著密不可分的關聯,隨著各類橡膠製品的廣泛應用,橡膠原料的需求亦逐漸增長,中國甚至因境內各類工業發展需求,將天然橡膠視為重要的戰略物資及工業原料進行栽植管理規劃。國內天然橡膠需求完全仰賴進口、合成橡膠又受石化行業整體規劃所支配,在經營經濟成長的當下,增加橡膠資源的有效利用,使橡膠資源能朝永續發展方向邁進,成為本研究關注的議題。 為探討國內橡膠資源永續性發展,本研究以物質流分析方法,將台灣地區天然橡膠、合成橡膠、再生橡膠、碳黑等原料投入橡膠製品市場之使用量,橡膠製品進出口量及國內用量,以及橡膠製品廢棄後之回收處理量等各種因子於2001年∼2010年間變化情形進行觀察,並以資源循環度指標分析台灣地區橡膠資源化潛勢,以資源生產力指標分析產業佈局政策,再由橡膠製品環境化設計、廢橡膠資源化應用、廢橡膠能源轉化應用等面向探討橡膠資源永續性發展。 依計算結果,台灣2001∼2010年平均每年主要原料使用量466,846公噸,橡膠製品量561,183公噸,差異部分為添加劑、鋼絲、棉絮纖維等混合料約94,337公噸、占製品重量17%。平均每年耗用天然橡膠110,520公噸、占主要原料24%,合成橡膠230,209公噸、占主要原料49%,碳黑126,117公噸、占主要原料27%;單以橡膠類分析,天然橡膠占橡膠總量32%,合成橡膠占橡膠總量67%。橡膠資源來自於國內自產部分平均約占32%、進口來源占62%,而再利用平均約占6%,而橡膠資源使用與GDP無明顯相關性。 而由各類製品之進出口均價統計資料顯示,若加強醫藥用品類及功能性穿著護具之其他類橡膠製品產業比重,橡膠資源生產力可獲較大成長空間。非胎用之廢棄橡膠資源缺乏管理追蹤系統,難以掌握廢棄資源的利用途徑,目前廢橡膠資源化應用及能源轉化應用仍有技術精進空間,未來環境的改變將使再生方法需要修改,再生工業亦應配合調整以獲取效益化空間,針對目前廢輪胎磨粉流布之情形,可再進行較完整的物質流布調查,以觀察再生工業效益化調整之關鍵契機。


物質流分析 橡膠 再利用


With the wide application of various types of rubber products, rubber resources and economic development is inextricably correlated. For example, natural rubber has been regarded as an important strategic commodity in China and is planted with planning. Natural rubber demand is totally dependent on imports and synthetic rubber is dominated by the overall planning of the petrochemical industry in Taiwan. Under the goal of business growth, this study aims to improve the resource efficiency of rubber and towards sustainable development of rubber industry in Taiwan. For investigating the sustainable development of rubber resource, this study used material flow approach to analyze rubber market numbers of utilization, manufacture, import and export included natural rubber, synthetic rubber and carbon black and the waste rubber numbers during 2001~2010 in Taiwan. We also utilize resource productivity to analyze rubber recyclable potential, resource productivity to analyze rubber industry layout, and green design for rubber products, waste rubber recycling application, waste rubber energy transformation to investigate sustainable development of rubber resource. According to our result, the average amount of major raw material was 466,846 tons; the average amount of rubber product was 561,183 tons during 2001~2010 in Taiwan. The discrepancy of weight dues to minor raw materials, like additive, wire, cotton fiber which were around 94,337 tons and 17% of total product weight. Average annual natural rubber consumption was 110,520 tons (24% of raw materials), synthetic rubber was 230,209 tons (49% of raw materials), and carbon black was 126,117 tons (27% of raw materials). Natural rubber consumption was 32% and synthetic rubber was 67% among total rubber raw materials Rubber resources were made in Taiwan around 32%, imported around 67% and recycling around 6%. There is no clear correlation between the consumption of rubber resources and GDP. . According to result of imports and exports of all classified rubber products, it could promote more the rubber productivities through strengthening rubber medical and protective product ratio. Waste rubber products except tires were hard to know their utilities, because of lack of tracking system. The technology of recycling application and recovery energy of wastes tires need to be promoted. The industrial circumstances would be changed to improve recycling technology, and recycling industrial would be also adjusted for more benefit in the future. This study investigated material distribution with waste tire powder to observe the crucial point of recycling industrial benefit.


Material Flow Analysis(MFA) Rubber Reuse


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