  • 學位論文


The Effects of Social Media Engagement on Emotional Attachment, Brand Relationship Quality and Purchase Intention: An Empirical Study of Online Issue-oriented Illustrator Characters

指導教授 : 林亭汝


網路社群媒體(Social Media)的興起,帶給了台灣原生的插畫角色一個發展的契機,過往虛擬角色的朔造與發展需長期投入各項資源以拓展與累積知名度,現在透過社群媒體用戶間強大的分享及連結網絡,插畫創作者可以相對於過往極少的成本測試、塑造、推廣角色,進而累積龐大的人氣。議題型插畫角色從社群媒體-Facebook發跡,並以誇張的方式詮釋時事議題,詼諧地呈現獨特的生活樣態與態度,輔以幽默的文字給予人會心一笑的感受。而世界經濟的消費思維由過往注重功能性的物質製造價值轉向著重獨特個性之精神性、象徵性價值,議題型插畫角色利用社群媒體平台,靈活地反映生活樣態,展現獨特的個性,使追隨者產生獨特的共鳴,正是追求無形價值的案例,這無疑是一個台灣文創內容的契機。 本研究以議題型插畫角色為研究主題,採結構方程模型 (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 試圖探討Facebook上之參與行為對角色之情緒依附 (Emotional Attachment)、品牌關係品質(Brand Relationship Quality)、角色授權商品之購買意圖 (Purchase Intention) 的影響。藉此以實證: 1. 透過社群媒體之參與行為,能參與行為者之內在因素,使參與行為者對插畫角色產生如顧客對品牌所產生之情緒依附與顧客-品牌關係。 2. 在本身不依附於任何實質商品與服務之插畫角色圖像,藉此二內在因素,是否會進一步影響跨界結合之授權商品購買意圖。 再由研究結果得出社群平台角色經營之關鍵因素,進而提出合適之角色策略以提升授權商品之購買意圖而實現角色經濟的效果,為台灣文創內容產業提供一份洞見。


The rapid rise of social media contributes to opportunities for Taiwan’s Illustrator Characters. In the past, it took plenty of resources and long-term engagement to develop a virtual character and accumulate popularity. Now, with powerful share capacities and extensive networking among social media users, Illustrators are able to test, tailor, and promote their illustrator characters with relatively lower cost compared with that of the past, which further leads to accumulation of popularity in a short time. Issue-oriented illustrator characters had their first appearance on Facebook. They feature exaggerative interpretation of issues happening, and humorous displays of unique life styles and attitudes. Complemented with funny wording, these characters make people smile knowingly. This way does match the thinking, which values unique personality, spirits, and symbolism in the contrast to the old-day thinking, which focuses on manufacturing and materialism. The combination of social media and illustrator characters is forming a solid basis for developing Taiwan’s cultural and creative content industry. This research aims at issue-oriented illustrator characters. Via structure equation modeling, we focus on the effects of engagement activities on Facebook on emotional attachment, brand relationship quality, and purchase intention toward character licensing goods. From this research, we plan to prove: 1. Social media engagement activities can have a positive effect on participants’ interior factors, that is, triggering emotional attachment and forming relationship, which originally appear between customers and brands. 2. Unlike brands we normally mention, illustrator characters are not attached to specific products or services. Despite this truth, when illustrator characters are combined with certain products by licensing, these licensing products can be influenced positively by aforementioned emotional attachment and brand relationship. Based on results, key success factors on managing illustrator characters on social networking sites are identified, which contributes to a proper strategy to realize character economy. This can be insights for Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry.


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