  • 學位論文


Facing Hegemony:A Study of A-Lai’s King Gesar

指導教授 : 陳相因 劉正忠


2005年英國坎農格特出版社策劃了「重述神話」(The Myth Series)計畫,聯合全球出版社加盟,招攬各國知名作家改寫民族神話。中國有四川重慶出版社參與,一共推出四本作品,2009年阿來所出版最新長篇小說《格薩爾王》即為《重述神話‧中國卷》的作品之一。《格薩爾王》重述了藏族流傳最久、版本最多的史詩《格薩爾王傳》,既保有史詩情節與大致架構,又塑造了現代說唱藝人一角,為史詩添入現代性思考,不僅發揚藏族民間文學經典,更對於民間文學於現代面臨的艱困處境做出了批判與見證。 阿來在文化上屬「漢藏混血」,其受漢語教育,面對漢語讀者,以漢語書寫藏地的寫作策略更值得深入探討。本文所關注的議題,在阿來如何於創作中援引藏族民間文學,來發揚日趨黯淡的民族精神,並且透過對故鄉遭受外來文明與現代化衝擊,所呈現的變化與創傷之書寫,展現出面對漢語主流文學、文學商品化、漢族中心文明對藏地的衝擊等多重霸權的見證者姿態。 故筆者欲由「為何重述」與「如何重述」兩個層面切入:「為何重述」部分先論述「重述神話」移植到中國文學場域,背後具有極為複雜的脈絡,已不適合以傳統框架檢視,並且導入「本事遷移理論」,提出另一種解讀「重述神話」的可能。「如何重述」部分則先梳理阿來創作,歸結出創作脈絡與其寄予關懷的主題,進而分為「傳統的援引」與「傳統的消逝」兩大主題。在分析《格薩爾王》時,則以阿來如何重新賦予史詩人物現代性思考,並透過敘述宗教與王權共構的「官方」權力體系對人物的箝制與束縛,以及民間文學在現代的處境,來隱喻文本中官方/民間、中心/邊緣等對立及霸權的運作模式。最後提出阿來以往在創作中化身為藏族年輕知識份子「我」,並藉這個脈絡,分析《格薩爾王》中主人公晉美也屬於阿來的化身。由「我」過渡至「晉美」,則隱含了阿來對小說家使命的思考。透過以上論述,本文期望在既有的阿來研究之外,以「重述神話」與阿來面對霸權的寫作姿態等面向切入,結合《格薩爾王》的分析,使阿來研究更為深入完備。


In 2005, Canongate Books in the UK initiated the project of "The Myth Series" as collaboration among publishing houses from all over the world, inviting well-known authors of different countries to re-write their own national myth. Chung-Ching Publishing Group in Shih-Chuan participated in the project on behalf of China, and A-Lai's latest full-length novel King Gesar, published in 2009, was among the four books of "The Myth Series, China." King Gesar represents one of the most noteworthy Tibetan poetics.The writer preserves the basic structure of the traditional story and adds more interesting characters, showing the importance and significance of modernity in this project. Not only does this novel promotes Tibet’s classics, but also serves as a criticism and testimony to the difficulties that folk literature has to face in contemporary China. A-Lai is a culturally "cross-bred" of the Han Chinese and the Tibetan. Educated in Mandarin, he writes about the Tibetan land in Mandarin for Mandarin readers, which is a strategy worth discussing. This thesis is concerned with how A-Lai alludes to the Tibetan folk literature in his works to liven up the fading national spirit. Moreover, his writing of changes and trauma portrays his homeland, which is clashed by foreign culture and modernization, and testifies to the pressure from mainstream Mandarin writing, commoditization of literature, Han-Chinese-centered civilization, and other forms of hegemony encountered by Tibet. Therefore, my study starts from why and how the epic is retold. First, I delineate that “the Myth Series” has already connoted complex context when it was transplanted into Chinese literature’s field, and is unsuitable to be examined under traditional critical framework. Instead, a new interpretation of “the Myth Series” is made possible by introducing the theory of transference of original story into the research. Second, regarding how the epic is retold, I analyze A-Lai’s works and their contexts and concerns, dividing them into my two main subjects: the allusion to tradition and the disappearance of tradition. In my analysis of King Gesar, I look into A-Lai’s metaphor of the oppositions of official/civil, center/periphery, and other operations of hegemony, presented through epic character’s modern thoughts, through the depiction of the bondage and oppression imposed on the characters by the official power establishment of monarchy together with religion, and through the plight of folk literature in the modern world. Last, I suggest that King Gesar’s protagonist, Jin-Mei, is A-Lai’s literary embodiment, which belongs to the same context as his embodiment as the young Tibetan elite “I” in his previous works. The shifting from “I” to “Jin-Mei” also implies A-Lai’s contemplation on the commitment of novelist. Based on these research results and the analysis of King Gesar, this thesis seeks to complete the studies of A-Lai by investigating “the Myth Series” and his writing strategy as a reaction to hegemony.


Karen Armstrong(凱倫‧阿姆斯特朗)著,胡亞豳譯,《神話簡史》,四川:重慶出版社,2005年。
Gardaphe,Fred L. and Wenying Xu.2007.“Introduction :Food in Multi-Ethnic Literatures” MELUS,Vol32,NO4.
