  • 學位論文

Left Periphery and Reference of DP in Mandarin Chinese


指導教授 : 蔡維天 劉辰生


此篇論文有兩個目的: (1) 漢語序數結構的特性支持DP分析;(2) 論證分裂DP假說 (split-DP hypothesis) 可應用於漢語的名詞組結構。 從序數結構 [第 + 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞] 的句法及語意特性來看,我認為詞素「第」投射DP,序數的語意來自於數量詞組的中心語(Num head)。此外,序數結構的兩個語意則歸因於詞素「第」的歧異。在某些語境,「第」是強勢定語 ([+strong] determiner),序數結構必須解釋為定指;在某些語境,「第」是弱勢定語 ([-strong] determiner) 帶有加總功能,因此序數結構必須解釋為數量語意。此分析可幫助我們解釋序數結構與數量結構的相異之處,亦可解釋時態標記、謂語類型以及量詞和詞素「第」的語意特質之間的互動。 漢語不同於英語,英語允許序數直接出現在基數之前,例如: the first three prime ministers。為了表達相同的語意,漢語訴諸詞素「前」所形成的 [前+ 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞] 短語,例如「前三位首相」。 [前+ 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞]  短語具有指涉性,可表達「絕對」與「相對」觀點兩種語意。第一種,[前+ 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞] 短語不會隨說話者而改變其語意;第二種,[前+ 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞] 短語的語意由說話者的時間與空間決定。由於詞素「前」帶有[Perspective] 特徵,我假設詞素「前」可引介觀點變數 (Pont-of-View variable),此變數由說話者 (speaker) 或名詞內部參與者 (internal protagonist) 所約束。若說話者約束此觀點變數,我們得到「絕對性語意」;若由內部參與者約束此觀點變數,我們則得到「相對性語意」 (請參見 Nishigauchi (1999);Huang and Liu (2000))。 此分析指出名詞組結構與句子結構具有平行現象,包含與語用相關的句法投射 (例如: Perspective Phrase) (請參見 Speas (2004); Cinque (1999); Liu (2007))。最後,我認為 [前+ 數詞 + 量詞 + 名詞] 短語的句法-語意映射可由以下光譜表示: DP > PresepctiveP > NumP > ClP > NP。


This thesis has two aims: (1) to argue for a DP analysis of Mandarin Chinese based on the properties of the ordinal phrase in that language; and (2) to demonstrate that a split-DP hypothesis can be extended to nominal expressions in Mandarin Chinese. From the syntactic and semantic characteristics of the Mandarin Chinese ordinal phrase (in the form [di+ Num + Cl + N]), I argue that the morpheme di heads a DP, and an ordering reading is denoted by a Num head. Moreover, I attribute the inherent ambiguity of the ordinal expression in question to the dual status of di. In certain contexts, di is a [+strong] determiner, and gives rise to a definite reading; in other contexts, di is a [-strong] determiner with an additive function, and yields a quantity reading. This analysis helps to explain not only the distinctions between ordinal and number expressions but also how certain elements within sentences, such as aspectual markers, predicate types, and measure words, interact with the morpheme di to derive correct interpretations. Unlike English, in Mandarin Chinese an ordinal number cannot be followed directly by a cardinal number. To express the counterpart of the English phrase the first three prime ministers, Mandarin Chinese utilizes the morpheme qian ‘front’ in the [qian + Num + Cl + N] sequence (henceforth the qian phrase). The qian phrase is a deictic expression which may assume two different readings expressing ‘absolute’ and ‘relative’ points of view. In the former, the denotation will not change when the qian phrase is used by different speakers; in the latter, the denotation of the qian phrase is contingent on the temporal/spatial axis of the speaker. I therefore argue that qian possesses a [Perspective] feature which introduces a Point-of-View variable (henceforth POV), which may be bound by the speaker or by an internal protagonist. If the POV variable is bound by the speaker, it results in a relative reading; if it is bound by an internal protagonist, it returns an absolute reading (cf. Nishigauchi (1999); Huang and Liu (2000)). This analysis suggests that nominal phrases are parallel to clauses in having a syntactic projection with pragmatically relevant features (i.e., the Perspective Phrase) (cf. Speas (2004); Cinque (1999); Liu (2007)). Finally, I propose that the syntax-semantics mapping of the qian phrase can be captured by the following spectrogram: DP > PresepctiveP > NumP > ClP > NP.


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