  • 學位論文

跨國分偶家庭之親子關係: 以台商台幹家庭為例

Parent-Child Relationship among Transnational Families: A Case Study of the Taiwanese Business People in China

指導教授 : 沈秀華


在全球經濟的重構之下,企業家和管理階級的跨國遷移成為一個重要的趨 勢,為了因應經濟全球化的需求,大量高技術及專業人才成為了主要的移民者, 而這批移民者通常為男性居多。解嚴後,隨著兩岸經貿發展越趨旺盛,許多台商 與台幹陸續到中國投資與工作,雖無明確統計數字,但2010 年上海市人口普查 結果,估計約有70 萬名常住台灣人(不含支援、短期出差等流動人口),而截至 2011 年,海基會則保孚估計約有75 至85 萬台灣人以就業為導向常住大陸,以 85 萬來計算,與台灣2010 年30 至54 歲的699 萬就業人口相比,約為12%,相 當於每10 位台灣中壯年人,就有1.2 人在中國工作,占了台灣總就業人口1049 萬的8.1%1。早期到中國發展的台商台幹大都隻身一人,家庭則留給妻子照顧, 丈夫與家庭分隔兩地,形成了特殊的家庭型態,也就是「跨國分偶家庭」。近幾 年,隨著中國經濟前景發展看好、生活環境改善及台商子弟學校的陸續開辦,更 多人選擇舉家遷移中國。儘管如此,將家庭留在台灣的台商台幹,仍不在少數。 此篇論文即以台商台幹的跨國分偶家庭為例,探討家庭中父母與子女間的親子關 係。 本研究採深度訪談研究方法,在台灣與中國湛江對台商台幹、台商台幹子女 及台商太太進行個別極少數焦點團體訪談。研究發現返台探親頻率、跨國夫妻關 係的親密度與之間的性別分工、親子間的互動方式會影響親子關係。台商台幹家 庭在父親長期缺席的日常生活中,是以母親為主的單親家庭形式在運作,父親與 小孩間的親子關係普遍相當生疏。


Economic globalization has attracted and pushed massive flows of entrepreneurs and professional across borders to work at different parts of the world. Taiwanese business people going to China since late 1980s have been part of the trend. Today,hundreds and thousands of Taiwanese investors and professional have gone to China for business and job opportunities. As a result, many Taiwanese families have become transnational families in which it is usually one spouse in China and the rest of the family in Taiwan. By interviews twenty-five Taiwanese business people in China and spouses and children of Taiwanese business people in Taiwan, this research explores the dynamic relations between parents and children in those transnational families. This research finds that the frequency of visits, the pattern of interaction, the gendered division of labor, marital relation, and gendered parenting are key factors that shape intimate relations within those transnational families. It also finds that mothers are the center of those transnational families and the relationship between fathers and their children are found to be rather distance.


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