  • 學位論文


The Influence of reproduced advertisement on the Effectiveness of its Original Advertisement -The Perspective of User-generated Content.

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


在Web2.0環境下新興UGC資訊組織模式,使用者不再被動的接受訊息,改變了過去傳統媒體專業製作、權威發佈的訊息接收模式。UGC網路時代下,網友可對產品提供評論、進行網路影音創作等,甚至以惡搞、好笑、無厘頭等方式KUSO改編再製過去視為權威的媒體廣告訊息。網友廣告再製與原廣告之間產生的關連與影響為何,在UGC的推波助瀾下,是否改變原廣告效果,仍待厘清。本研究透過焦點群體訪談法從十八位元網路使用者瞭解,當其為廣告閱聽眾時,原廣告與再製廣告兩者對其影響為何,另外,亦對五位原廣告代理商進行一對一訪談,期望從不同角度進一步探討廣告再製對原廣告造成的影響以及後續衍生效益。 透過研究,我們發現閱聽眾能清楚的分辨原廣告與再製廣告兩者之間的不同,因此,並不會因為觀看過再製廣告而改變對原產品的品牌形象及購買意圖,然而,再製廣告的再製程度及再製類型的不同,卻會影響閱聽眾對原廣告的記憶度及廣告態度,並進一步延伸原廣告效果。因此,本研究將再製廣告對閱聽眾所造成的影響稱之為「新」廣告效果。其中,有趣的是,大部分受訪者看完再製廣告的反應僅止於莞爾一笑,然而加入「自我觀點」的再製廣告類型對原廣告的殺傷力最大,使閱聽眾對原廣告的訊息產生不一樣的解析與評價。此種演繹之結果,可做為未來新的廣告效果理論建構之觀點。


Abstract: In the Web2.0 environment, emerging UGC organizational model, the user is no longer passively accept the message. The UGC Internet era, users can provide the product reviews, Internet audio and video creation, and even adapted it by a spoof , funny and KUSO way, which we think as authoritative media advertising messages in the past. Under the UGC, the influence between the users advertising reproduction and the original awaits clarification. In this study, by using focus group interviews to audiences and one-on-one interviews to advertising agency to further explore the impact of reproduced advertisement from different angles. Through research, we found that audiences can clearly distinguish the difference between the original ad and reproduced advertising. Besides, they will not change the brand image of the original product and purchase intention, however, the level and type of reproduced advertising will affect audiences on the memory and attitude of the original advertising, and further extension of the original advertising effectiveness. Therefore, the study found some impact on audiences which called "new" advertising effectiveness. Specifically, after watching reproduced advertisement, the majority interviewee just smile. However, the ad affects will much stronger when adding "point of self" in it. Such interpretation of the results can be used as the point of view of the theoretical construction of new advertising effectiveness.


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