  • 學位論文


A Survey on Un-Public Spaces in Taipei

指導教授 : 陳珍誠


工業革命後快速的都市化發展成為全世界各個國家普遍的現象,有效的解決都市空間使用的問題則成為都市發展的當務之急。在此時,規劃師掌握了主導改善都市空間的權力,也決定了都市的景觀與空間的使用方式,制式化與規格化則成為許多解決都市空間問題的捷徑。然而,因為各個都市的發展背景不同,這些措施並不能普遍滿足都市空間多元的發展。都市空間如何被民眾自發的使用及挪用,這是本研究所想要探討的。 台北市在1940年代末期開始,因為政經的因素,在短時間中人口激增,形成都市空間的擁擠。當都市人口快速膨脹,不完善與來不及的都市計劃,卻倉促的套用在這個都市空間當中。都市計劃採取「由上而下」的策略,卻無法照顧到都市中每個角落的發展;民眾因為不滿足居住空間的基本條件,而因應產生了「由下而上」的自發性對抗策略。民眾除了對整體環境發展的漠視,進一步的積極運用隨手可得的工具與材料改善私有空間不足的問題。公共空間與私有空間的相互滲透,形成了台北市都市空間混合使用的主要原因。 本研究嘗試以常民的角度,經由資料整理、分析、拍照與記錄,發現台北的都市空間特色。透過研究者對於社會現象與都市空間的觀察,尋找出法定公共空間產生變異的原因。在法令不完備與居民的自我詮釋下,都市空間的規劃跟不上使用需求因而被民眾改變。公共空間的使用早已經不是規劃者所預期的使用方式,使用者自發性的改造行為,衍生出更多元的使用方式。私人空間的向外滲透與延伸,形成「公共性」與「私人性」空間的交互重疊,造成公、私空間界線的模糊,民眾對公共空間的佔用產生了自治的平衡關係。在住商混合的台北的都市空間當中,出乎規劃者所預期之公共空間中的佔用行為,建構出另一種台北市民的生活空間與環境的特色。


Rapid urbanization is a general situation worldwide since Industrial Revolution, and it’s most imperative to solve use of urban space efficiently. In the meantime, planners not only control predominantly the power to improve urban space, but also decide ways of urban landscape and space. Institutionalism and Standardization become the shortcut to settle problems of urban space insufficient, yet both of them can’t universally satisfy development of urban space diversifying on account of distinct development backgrounds of every city. The principal point of the study is to explore how residents use and appropriate urban space spontaneously. Since the late 1940s, in Taipei City, the number of population expanding sharply in a short-term period has made urban space crowded due to politics and economics regulations. When the urban population rose expeditiously, imperfect and non-timely statutory urban planning hastily applied in urban space. Urban planning takes the Top-Down tactic which couldn’t consider development throughout Taipei City; nevertheless, the citizens who are not satisfied with the basic conditions of the residential space take the Bottom-Up ploy of the instinctively resistance. In additional to being nonchalant to the development of the entire environment, they enthusiastically make use of the implements and building materials available with a view to improving inadequate private space. Consequently public space and private space interact and interpose each other that become the major reason of urban space used disorderly. The main purpose of this research is to explore the urban space characteristics of Taipei City by the viewpoints of the citizens with the data collection, analysis, photos and records. As well as, from the observation of the researcher to social phenomena and urban space, we can find out how statutory public space becomes heterogeneous. In incomplete laws and degrees and the citizens’ self-annotation, the planning of urban space can’t catch up with the demands of the usage so it’s transformed by the citizens. The use of public space has not anticipated by planners any more, and the transformation actions of users’ spontaneity bring a variety of ways to use. That private space develops outward and stretches out shapes public space and private space overlapping, blurs the demarcation line of both sides, and brings about autonomous equilibrium by occupying public space. In Taipei’s urban space mixed for housing and business, out of planners’ expectations, the occupancy actions of public space construct another style of characteristics of living space and environment of the citizens of Taipei City.


Urban Space Bottom-Up Public Space Spontaneity


Banerjee, Tridib
2001“The future of public space: Beyond invented streets and reinvented places”, Journal of the American Planning Association , Chicago. Volume:67:9-24.
Corbusier, Le
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Foucault, Michel


